
It All Comes Down to This — Your Election Night Must Haves – DorobekINSIDER

Happy Election Day 2012 On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Tackling the biggest problem at your agency first is a great way to make things more efficient. But agencies can’t seem to get their priorities straight. So what’s the holdup? Deloitte survey 600 feds for the answers. Click here for the full recap. Yes, it is ElectionRead… Read more »

Efficiencies and Government — Is that an oxymoron?

Efficiencies and Government — Is that an oxymoron? Tackling the biggest problem at your agency first is a great way to make things more efficient. But agencies can’t seem to get their priorities straight. Janet Hale is the former undersecretary for management at the Homeland Security Department and now a director of Deloitte. They’ve justRead… Read more »

Bridging the Gap Between Academics and Practitioners

Academics don’t always speak the same language as practitioners. But they oftentimes have useful ideas to convey. So how do we bridge the gap between research and practice? I’ve been asked to participate as a “practitioner” on a discussion panel at the upcoming conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) ItRead… Read more »

Leadership, Communications and Productivity are worth training too

One of the most focused on areas in technology organization training is a an overwhelming focus on competency area skill development. The focus is almost always on specific skill development in particular methodologies, technologies, best practices and other areas of specialization. This is an exceptional practice that should be encouraged. However, I think it isRead… Read more »

November 9th Memos to National Leaders

The National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) and American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) present Memos to National Leaders Managing Big Initiatives, Improving Performance, and Public-Private Partnerships Follow @memostoleaders & facebook.com/MemosToNationalLeaders Want to attend this event on November 9th? Register here or email us at [email protected] The November 9th Memos to National Leaders event willRead… Read more »

The Government Man Talks About GSA’s Response to Hurricane Sandy

I have been using this blog as a forum for satirical commentary concerning some elected officials and certain components of my former lifetime employer, GSA. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no humor to be found in discussing Hurricane Sandy, one of the great disasters of a lifetime. In the last year GSA has been in theRead… Read more »

Vote like the Gov Depends on it — Plus Your DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The six-month old program is starting to get some traction. So can Portfolio Stat and can it really make a difference at your agency? Click here for full recaps. But up front: Election 2012 — it is just about over. Early voting has been going on… and come 11p ET Tuesday,Read… Read more »

Responding to Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy, the Super Storm that slammed into the Eastern Seaboard early last week, left behind a wave of destruction in its path. Cities like New York, Atlantic City, Hoboken, Philadelphia and hundreds more are dealing with flooding, power outages,and destructive fires as a result. The cost of the damage left behind is estimated toRead… Read more »

A Mayor With Innovation Goals

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee has made innovation a focus of his new administration. Lee has announced and committed to an Innovation Portfolio. Highlights of the Mayor Lee’s 2012 Innovation Portfolio are: – Business One-Stop: making it easier for new businesses to start and grow in San Francisco. Using this online service, businesses will beRead… Read more »

Presidential Election: Voter Guide for Feds

Pay and benefits, jobs and management, the scope and size of the U.S. Government — these are some of the major issues at stake for federal employees during this Presidential election. The next Administration will impact the entire federal workforce and the future of Uncle Sam. Both candidates have laid out starkly different visions andRead… Read more »