
Federal Salary: It’s About Principles, Not Pay

In case you missed it, the latest study from the official Federal Salary Council (FSC) asserts that white-collar federal employees (“feds”) are paid a whopping 35% less than their private sector equivalents. Are federal executives really being short changed by more than one-third of their salary versus private sector peers? Feds don’t work in governmentRead… Read more »

Why do I need to “Transform” my organization?

Are strange forces at work driving change in your organization? Why do I need to transform the organization? Wouldn’t a little tweak here or change there be good enough? I like to use the term organizational transformation because I think it more clearly portrays the shift in thinking and execution required to effect real changeRead… Read more »

Why Are Many Government Officials Such Bad Leaders?

Warren C. Hoy was recently named plant manager of a DuPont plant near Buffalo, NY. A DuPont employee for 31 years, Hoy has some great thoughts about leadership that were reported in a Buffalo News article. Through his 31 years of experience Hoy has learned the following about leadership: – As a leader you don’tRead… Read more »

But we’re the experts! Why the ‘internal expert’ democratic governance model is gradually failing and what can be done about it.

Most public sector agencies are designed as centres of expertise on policy and service delivery. By gathering, or training, experts in a given topical area and marshalling and directing this expertise to resolve specific issues and goals, agencies have been designed to design and deliver effective and sound policy and service delivery solutions to governmentsRead… Read more »

Either Way A Fiscal Cliff

Okay, so here’s the dirtly little secret… The “Fiscal Cliff” that everyone is supposedly working on to avert–is really unavoidable! Yes, the Sequestration that was put in place that eliminates the broad-based tax cuts from a decade ago and reduces spending across military and domestic government spending–can be replaced by more surgical tax increases andRead… Read more »

Thanksgiving dessert for Hurricane Sandy victims challenge

Although they are no longer in the news, Hurricane Sandy victims are still suffering. As a result one of my high school classmates, Executive Chef Jim McGrady from Maggiano’s Little Italy restaurant, invited 1,000 hungry people in South Jersey for Thanksgiving dinner. When volunteered he asked me to bring dessert. Which leads to our leadershipRead… Read more »

Open Season Tips, Direct Deposit Changes, & Retiree Job Opportunities

It’s that time of year again and we all know that our health care premiums, in most cases, will be going up. The (FEHB) Program premiums will increase by 3.4 percent in 2013, which is lower than last year’s increase of 3.8 percent. The average premium increase for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision InsuranceRead… Read more »