
111 Innovative Government Initiatives

Every year (since 2010) the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation located at Harvard University releases a list that recognize and promote creative government initiatives and partnerships. This year the Ash Center recognized 111 innovative government initiatives as Bright Ideas. The list contains creative initiatives from all levels of government—including school districts, county, city,Read… Read more »

Rainmaker 16 – LinkedIn: Your Personal Publicist

Do you show up at your best for other 175 million LinkedIn members?Many posts have been written about developing your profile and contact information for the ‘yellow pages’ of the professional community – the top part of your LinkedIn page. While this is important and you must build a strong profile and history, it isRead… Read more »

Government Reform: Inspirations from Developing Countries (Part 5)

Several developing countries are making seemingly breathtaking progress in developing performance management frameworks from scratch. What can we learn from them? Today’s focus is on the commonalities in the performance management approaches used across four developing countries. The World Bank seminars this past Spring continue to have me mulling about the progress of the performanceRead… Read more »

What Does It Mean to Disconnect?

By AdamElkus Are we too connected to our gadgets? Many journalists and social thinkers seem to think so. Are we all too fixated on emailing, tweeting, just plain staring at our screens to participate in the world around us? The answer may be more complex than that, but you won’t find it in posts likeRead… Read more »

Can collaboration help you do your job better? — Part 1

The Labor Department’s Office of Disability Employment hosted a webcast, Policy Development Think Tank Webcast: New Strategies for Successful Collaboration, as part of the ePolicyWorks initiative. DorobekINSIDER’s Chris Dorobek hosted the panel. The panelists outlined their perspectives on the use of new and innovative open government strategies for policy developments. On the Panel: GB: GadiRead… Read more »

Don’t Be “Netflixed:” Why Innovation Labs Are Vital to Government Agencies

Even though innovation never goes out of style, there has been a renewed interest in governmental innovation as all agencies face shrinking budgets and an uncertain economy. The Federal Digital Strategy calls for more innovation in the government’s technical infrastructure and how information is delivered to citizens. There are plenty of consultants, conferences, and groupsRead… Read more »

Participatory Budgeting?

Buffalo Councilmembers Michael LoCurto and David Rivera have introduced a Resolution seeking to explore the possibility of utilizing a process called Participatory Budgeting in the City of Buffalo. Participatory Budgeting allows citizens to decide how a municipalities budget funds are spent. Participatory budgeting involves several steps: 1) Community members identify spending priorities and select budgetRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want to Work Here: What Are Your Diversity Practices Telling Me?

Have you ever walked into an organization and just got that “Uh, why does everyone look the same” feeling… I know I have. You may have heard the expression, people are like snowflakes, and no two are the same – that’s diversity folks. In today’s ever diverse business environment, for organizations to excel, they mustRead… Read more »

Do I Really Want to Work Here: What’s Your Culture Telling Me?

Have you ever walked into an organization and just got that “hum something just doesn’t feel right feeling”… I know I have (more times than I’d like to count). Many of us know from the first time we enter into an organization, whether as an employee or a consultant, that what they say is notRead… Read more »