
Why Leadership Coaching Matters—A Lesson Learned the Hard Way

During the 1990’s the professional political consultant emerged as a definitive player in American politics. As a young woman in this burgeoning field this was the time I first encountered the men who are now the top advisers to our nation’s leaders. We sat around tables in shabby campaign headquarters and airport restaurants discussing theRead… Read more »

Sleep Better, Work Better

This post is cross-posted at Routeam.com. I had an intern recently that was a real go-getter. The intern had a very impressive resume inside and outside of work, including managing an organization in their spare time. Another employee asked this person where they got all of the time to do all of that. “I don’tRead… Read more »

Thank You For All Your Hard Work

Many of you likely joined the government to work with the system to create positive impacts for society. Your agencies have pro-social missions, like promoting public health, preserving natural land, defending the nation, etc. But are these agency missions enough to maintain a high job satisfaction? No, according to the Partnership for Public Service’s BestRead… Read more »

Leadership: Ownership and Responsibility

Recently on the Harvard Business Review, John Coleman posted an excellent article, Take Ownership of Your Actions by Taking Responsibility (help is not on the way) that addresses expectations on the part of executive leadership. I found this particularly interesting because I recently caught myself feeling this very thing being asked, “do you feel stalledRead… Read more »

It’s the Social Era, and We Still Need Mission, Vision and Values

Recently I have found myself running virtually every business topic I consider though the grid of the social era. This is particularly interesting to me since there are a number of principles in business that are timeless in nature, but undergo countless changes in their application due to sociological shifts. Organizational change is no exception.Read… Read more »

Applying to the PMF Program: Does the Type of Degree You Received Matter?

Last week, the Robertson Foundation for Government and GovLoop launched PathtoPMF.com – a new website and guide designed to assist potential applicants to the prestigious Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program. The program has expanded over time, including significant changes to the eligible requirements to ensure that the broadest possible number of prospects would consider applyingRead… Read more »