
Do At Least One Thing…

Your morning starts with the usual goals for the day: Get project ‘A’ started, move project ‘B’ one step down the road, call Fred about the problem that came up yesterday, and so on. All of these are important goals; important in the sense that they directly relate to your job, and the work thatRead… Read more »

The Potential in All of Us

I found a story on American Public Media’s Marketplace fascinating. The interview discussed a recent paper by researchers at Stanford and Harvard that reveal that employers are more interested in what you may accomplish that what you already have. Essentially, people want to believe in the promise of what someone has to offer more thanRead… Read more »

Visual Management

Honored that our book, Seeing is Believing, was favorably mentioned in the book Millenial Momentum by Morley Winograd and Mchael Hais, http://www.amazon.com/dp/0813551501/?tag=googhydr-20&hvadid=8061054327&ref=pd_sl_1k1qyh699a_e … Also, in the new book about the BYU Football program entitled, Running into the Wind: Bronco Mendenhall – 5 Strategies for Building a Successful Team, by Paul Gustavson and Alyson Von Feldt,Read… Read more »

Sequestration 101 — Do you actually know how it would work?

Be honest. You have heard us all talking/worrying/complaining about the potential for sequestration since August of 2011, but do you actually know how it would work? I, for one, only had a loose understanding of the process. Todd Harrison is a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. He gave Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

Championing Change in Gov: Why Can’t Government be Both Functional and Beautiful?

This was originally posted on my blog, Jennovation, which can be found here. It’s not impossible. Government CAN BE both functional and beautiful. Today the White House hosted a Champions of Change event in Washington DC highlighting thirteen local government innovators that are doing just that. According to Gov Tech, these champions have “worked toRead… Read more »

8 Favorite Quotes about Government

I love quotes – who doesn’t? Our thread on “Favorite Quotes” has over 500 suggestions. With 500 suggestions, I thought it was time to highlight my 8 favorite quotes about government. 1) John F. Kennedy – “Let the public service be a proud and lively career. And let every man and woman who works inRead… Read more »

Escalator Drama Shows Government At Its Worst

The Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA) has an important public mission. Thousands of people (many of them low-income) depend on the NFTA for bus and train transportation service. The Buffalo News has an amazing article about a recent meeting where a discussion took place about fixing a broken escalator at an NFTA subway station. TheRead… Read more »

Find the Blue Oceans

In 2005, the video game company known as Nintendo was bleeding. At that point, Sony’s Playstation 2 had demolished Nintendo’s latest console, the GameCube, in head-to-head sales, and by the end of the year Microsoft had released the popular Xbox 360. Nintendo, which had been losing market share for a full decade by this point,Read… Read more »