
Jobs only the government can do — Federal Success Stories

It’s been a rough few months for federal employees, political season, conference scandals and budget cuts will do that. But there were some shining spots for some feds this summer. It really was the summer for exceptional federal success stories. Successes that Tom Fox, the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at PPS, says onlyRead… Read more »

Feds Continuing with the Spirit of Charitable Giving – CFCNCA Kickoff

Amid recent scandals regarding inappropriate agency conference spending, this morning’s Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) Kickoff was striking. With neither mimes and commemorative coins – nor coffee and refreshments – the event was marked in its simplicity and clarity of purpose. The almost 600 campaign coordinators and volunteers, from across allRead… Read more »

Resisting the Data Act — Is OMB failing to lead on standardization and transparency?

Have you heard of the Data Act? It unanimously passed through the House and now is sitting in committee in the Senate. The legislation, “is Congress’ attempt to achieve full federal spending transparency that would build off the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board’s (RAT) success,” said Hudson Hollister the executive director of the the DataRead… Read more »

HUD and VA team up to put an end to Veteran homelessness

Some have called it a “national disgrace,” the presence of thousands of homeless veterans on American streets and in shelters. In 2010 President Obama made a strong statement, saying that his administration would end homelessness by 2015. But how do you do that? The Departments of Housing and Urban Development and Veterans Affairs teamed upRead… Read more »

Why Words Matter

Why Words Matter Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more call them back than ignore the mess they leave when they fall. ― Jodi Picoult, Salem Falls If each of us, most particularly our political leaders, were to treat words as eggs, perhaps we wouldn’t feel as if we areRead… Read more »

Will you work for me?

Recently I’ve gotten a number of questions about what managers are looking for when they hire a new employee. I’ve found that I have a general theme in my answers that I want to share. I recruit employees and interns for other managers, and I also recruit new employees and interns to work under me.Read… Read more »

15 Lessons From IBM On How To Transform A City

IBM as a company has years of experience helping cities around the world improve how they deliver services. A white paper published by IBM titled “How to Transform a City: Lessons from the IBM Smarter Cities Challenge”, provides 15 lessons for leaders looking to transform how their cities operate: 1. Be Bold- Even Audacious– SetRead… Read more »

Jobs of the Future

When speaking with a current job-seeker, she said “while I was working, the working world changed!” This seasoned individual is finding her specific experience is not of interest to employers in today’s job market. With a dozen years in responsible internal analyst roles, what arcane experience and skills are being ignored by potential employers? SheRead… Read more »