
Disaster Intervention Strategy: A Team Effort with local, state, federal and NGOs

Just hours after the Joplin tornado tore through Joplin, Missouri, an experienced team of Americorps and Senior Corps arrived in the devastated town and began relief efforts. Within three days, the Americorps and Senior Corps team had reached 200; by one month: 300. These members were crucial in directing and managing the 60,000 volunteers thatRead… Read more »

Run your IT organization like a business

The current economic climate has put a particular emphasis on the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational projects and IT portfolios. Programs and projects that are unable to demonstrate a reasonable return on investment are being punished, and in many cases rightfully so. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your particular vantage point, management’s axe is fallingRead… Read more »

Innovative Idea of the Week: CivicPlus and your weekend reads

Busy week here on the DorobekINSIDER: E-government — the term has been evolving for years and it is increasingly key to how agencies accomplish their mission. But there aren’t universal best practices. Now there’s a new book out on the issue. We heard from the author. It’s been a rough few months for federal employees.Read… Read more »

When your work family experiences the worst

Two weeks ago, my former association lost a long time employee after a rather short illness. He was just 57. He was very highly respected amongst his professional colleagues (of both political parties), his former colleagues, his high school friends, and pretty much anyone else who interacted with him. He was a social guy withRead… Read more »

Election 2012: Recovery Rooms and Party Platforms

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE September 5, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid 0 Comments Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print The Coalition for Whole Health has undertaken key election tasks this year With the annual demarcation of the Labor Day Holiday, Election 2012 is now in full swing. As inRead… Read more »

Are 35 Town Government Committees, Too Many?

Committees/boards are a necessary evil for most organizations as a way to focus efforts and get things done. Local governments have a lot of committees/boards, for example the Town of Amhers, NY (population 122,000) has 35 of them. The Town of Tonawanda, NY (population 73,500) has 28 committees/boards. I don’t know what the right numberRead… Read more »