
Is a Disengaged Government Employee a Loyal Employee?

The answer may be yes! Studies show that while most government employees are satisfied with their jobs, many are not actively engaged in the performance and quality of their work. Yet, a hearty 63% of those public sector workers say that they intend to stay in their positions long-term. Factors such as leadership effectiveness, performanceRead… Read more »

Buffalo Sewer Utilizing Creative Green Ideas

The past few weeks I have come across several articles highlighting creative efforts being undertaken by the Buffalo Sewer Authority: 1) Porous Pavement Streets– have been installed on both Clarendon Place and Claremont Avenue, which allows rainwater to permeate directly into the ground. Porous pavement reduces the amount of storm water entering the sewers, whichRead… Read more »

How to lead through sequestration

The threat of sequestration is making federal leaders and employees very nervous. Sequestration is the $109 billion in automatic, across-the-board spending cuts set to take effect on January 2 unless Congress reaches a compromise budget deal. So how should agencies prepare? Tim McManus is the Vice President for Education and Outreach at the Partnership forRead… Read more »

China, Twitter and the 0.1%

Earlier this month I had the good fortune of visiting China – a place I’m deeply curious about and – aside from some second year university courses, the reporting from the Economist, and the occasional trip over to Tea Leaf Nation – remains too foreign to me for comfort given its enormous importance. As alwaysRead… Read more »

How to work with people you dislike

Ordered from the worst option to the best option: Don’t work with them. If all else fails, try finding another project or another job. Limit your work relationship. Focus on the work and be extra careful in your communications to make sure your dislike does not show, and that your work still gets done. Finally,Read… Read more »


Eugene Hudson Jr. elected Secretary-Treasurer; Augusta Thomas reelected NVP, Women’s and Fair Practices J. David Cox today was elected national president of the American Federation of Government Employees during the union’s 39th National Convention in Las Vegas. Eugene Hudson Jr. was elected National-Secretary Treasurer, while Augusta Thomas was reelected National Vice President for Women’s andRead… Read more »