
Michael Sampson, User Adoption and the Formula for Success

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. As ‘user adoption’ is becoming a better-known aspect of IT implementations one thought leader in particular stands out. And one of the things we at Tri Tuns love about Michael Sampsonis his distinct ability to distill the complexities of user adoption into an easily understood and digested reasonedRead… Read more »

Figuring out the procurement maze with OFPP’s Joe Jordan and can the government speak plainly?

On today’s program Working in procurement is a little like working in a maze, there are lots of new and different regulations around every corner. But there are some ways to make it easier. Joe Jordan is the administrator in the Office of Federal Procurement Policy. He’ll tell us his tips.Click here for the fullRead… Read more »

asdfjklqweruiop; — Is the government getting better at writing plainly?

“I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead,” Mark Twain. Writing clearly and concisely is a challenge for anyone, but it’s been an even bigger challenge for the federal government — they are plagued with the dreaded Gov-Speak. But for the past two year’s they’ve been workingRead… Read more »

What Do Zig Ziglar, Harvey Mackay, and Dale Carnegie Have In Common – And How Can It Help YOU?

Zig , Harvey, and Dale contributed significantly to my professional development. How? By telling stories to show the benefit of doing something a certain way. Ziglar would talk about ‘the Redhead’ and ‘Yazoo’, Mississippi while weaving his lessons about listening and giving value. Mackay would wrap his storytelling around applying the laws of human natureRead… Read more »

Sustainable spending ideas at NextGen

It might not seem like the perfect time to ask federal agencies to take on a new challenge. We know you’ll disagree since this new challenge will decrease costs and advance goals that transcend agency borders. Americans expect government to “lead by example” to stave off climate change, reduce pollution, stimulate green domestic jobs, improveRead… Read more »

YGL-LA: Maximizing Your Early Years – From NextGen to SES

Thanks again to everyone who attended our session at NextGen, Maximizing Your Early Years: From NextGen to SES. It was a packed room of 200+ aspiring government leaders! Here is a brief summary for those who could not attend, along with the mentioned training and development resources to continue your NextGen journey throughout the year.Read… Read more »

Leading Change in Government – Executive certificate course at Georgetown (Sept 25-27)

As a government executive, you often are tasked with leading change or achieving increased efficiency in your organization. Leading Change in Government, presented by Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business on Sept. 25-27, is designed exclusively for government executives and draws on the latest research to equip you with the specific skills and tools neededRead… Read more »