
How Public Hearings Can Distort Decision Making and How Online Forums Can Mitigate this Distorting Influence

Public hearings are often the most influential channel for feedback to government decision makers. Therefore it’s problematic that this influence is frequently distorted by public hearing feedback that is not representative of the views of the majority of a community. This distorted influence is caused by three dynamics: (1) a spectrum of impediments to civicRead… Read more »

Gold Stars

I want to spend a little time gushing over Dr. Alicia Sanchez (@gamesczar) and Kris Rockwell (@krisrockwell). This experience we co-created in Sedona back in February, Up to All of Us, had an incubation at Parsons School of Design, organized by the wonderful Liz Burow (@burlix). One of the main takeaways from that incubator cameRead… Read more »

Intellectual Ergonomics: “Thought Breaks”

According to comedian John Cleese, the only way to be truly creative is to have “boundaries of space, and boundaries of time.” He argues that in a frenetic, multi-tasking world, innovation can only take place in an environment where the unconscious is allowed to explore thoughts without fear of interruptions. This downtime has helped himRead… Read more »

Using the Constructal Law to Redesign Government Agencies

Ever since President Wilson established modern public administration, there have been numerous attempts to restructure and reorganize Federal government agencies so that they operate more efficiently while more effectively delivering services. I was in the Federal government during Gore’s Reinventing Government project and now I am back just in time for the Obama administration’s strategyRead… Read more »

Pathways Program

Effective 7/12/2012 – I understand the Pathways Program has started. What I am tying to understand is in working with veterans with 10 points preference will they still be able to get into the program using their preference. I am ready to direct many of our Recent Graduate Veterans to this program and want toRead… Read more »

Social Crowdfunding – Monetizing the Margins

Crowdfunding has become a very popular topic here in Canada, and for good reason, it’s really the key to unlocking their future, in a pretty seismic way. By this I mean the nation has a notorious ‘Innovation Gap’ and lament a lack of Venture Capital as the reason, but really what is missing is aRead… Read more »

5 Leadership Lessons You’ll Always Need

Today I wanted to spend some time reflecting on some leadership lessons I have learned and observed from GovLoop, and during my career. Whether you are the newest employee at an organization, the new young gun, or the elder statesmen, there is always room to grow as a leader. You can’t wake up and beRead… Read more »

SAMMIES Finalist Explains Scientists’ Role In Protecting America

In the wake Septempber 11th, letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to offices across Washington, including several Senate offices, killing five people, sickening others, and creating an atmosphere of fear and unease across the country every time someone opened a letter. Arthur Friedlander, now Senior scientist at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of InfectiousRead… Read more »

When Efficiency Is NOT the Chosen Path

The mixed messages commenting on the state of the economy are confusing at best, and offer little of use for planning and forecasting in the business or government sectors. Conflicting variables affecting budget, scope, and demand add to the complexity. The uncertainty and inertia leads to delays in new initiatives by the decision-makers in organizations.Read… Read more »