
Local Governments Can Assist Businesses By Improving Customer Service

Businesses understand the importance of making interactions with customers as easy as possible. Most local governments have a long way to go as far as improving their approach to customer service. Recognizing that government is complicated, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has launched a Business Customer Service Initiative to make it easier for businessesRead… Read more »

Govloop Project Management Week In Review

For the week ending June 23, 2012 A combination of strategy and tactics posts and discussions graced the Govloop project management community this week, click through and catch up on what you’ve missed. Remember to start new discussions yourself by asking your most pressing questions here with the tag “project management” including the quotes. GainingRead… Read more »

What may a 2.0 organisation look like?

As the world changes, so must our institutions – particularly government, including government agencies. Without getting into how hard or easy it is for government agencies to change (recognising there’s a diversity of views), any change should, necessarily be for the better. So how should they change? In which ways should they reinvent themselves toRead… Read more »

Colorado Counties: Success and Challenges to New Media Use

In April I wrote briefly about Commissioner Audrey Danner from Moffat County, Colorado and her efforts in using social media to connect with her constituents. I had a chance to sit down with Commissioner Danner earlier this month at the Colorado Counties, Inc. summer conference and talk a bit more about Moffat County using FacebookRead… Read more »

Physicist and Sammies Finalist Explains Hi-Tech Advances in Medicical Imaging and Data-Transfer

Physics, according to Jacob Taylor, is studying how nature works at a fundamental level, and using that knowledge to apply it in different ways. Jacob has been working hard at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, thinking through new technologies as a theoretical physicist (yes, the same title as Dr. Sheldon Cooper from theRead… Read more »