
Breaking Down Big Data — 3 Experts Weigh In

Hey there. I’m Emily Jarvis– the DorobekINSIDER producer — and welcome GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER. Chris is out of the office this week on vacation. But we couldn’t leave you hanging. So I’ve compiled some of my favorite interviews on Big Data. It’s the latest buzzword to take over government. And it’s making a big splashRead… Read more »

Should Local Governments Pay Bonuses To Employees For Their Ideas?

Many local governments on paper have a Employee Suggestion Review Committee, but few actually utilize such committees successfully. The Town of Amherst, NY as I mentioned in a previous post has such a Committee along with wooden suggestion boxes, which had not been opened in years. According to an Arizona Republic news article at theRead… Read more »

Why do we struggle with Workforce Planning?

To answer this question, I checked in with my former colleague and friend, Dr. Barbara Male. Dr. Male retired from the federal government in April 2008 after 25 years of federal service, most recently serving as a Deputy Assistant Secretary with the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management (EM). She was a career memberRead… Read more »

Mark Twain – User Adoption Specialist?

Originally published on Tri Tuns blog Insights. Recently I stumbled on a page of Mark Twain quotes. I realized that the insights and teachings of a man who died decades before modern information systems were even conceived may hold some of the greatest lessons for how to deliver successful technology adoption programs. While Mark, whoRead… Read more »

Raise Your Hand if Your Organization Can Improve Employee Development & Recognition!

So how many of you raised your hand? It’s ok, we can’t see you – go ahead, be honest. If we were to ask your employees if they feel your organization can improve employee development and learning and increase recognition– how many would raise their hand? One of the most overlooked yet important assets anRead… Read more »

Leadership is…

We’ll share our thoughts, though we also prefer to hear from you, so share your opinion ! According to our marketing partner, Preactive Marketing, the phrase “leadership is” has over 6 million global monthly searches. This indicates there is a growing interest in the topic and in learning to become a better leader. So, howRead… Read more »

Getting medical info digitally in a disaster — how one SAMMIES finalist made it happen

When disasters strike — think hurricanes, wildfires or terrorists attacks– and you are in need of medical care, Dr. Herman Allen Dobbs is the guy to call. As the Chief Medical officer for the National Disaster Medical Systems at the Department of Health and Human Services, Dobbs worked to significantly improve the way disaster victimsRead… Read more »