
Did We Forget Why We Are Here?

Freedom – that is why we are here, is it not?! How did our great nation begin…. somewhere in there, was a quest, a yearning, for freedom. Freedom from what? Freedom from any large entity dictating to us – telling us how we must live our lives, no taxation without representation, of speech, life, libertyRead… Read more »

Happy 4th of July! Brief Reflection on The Four Freedoms

Happy 4th of July to the GovLoop Community! Last night I was reading a little bit about Norman Rockwell, I was feeling patriotic due to the holiday and decide to read a bit about some of his work. Just doing some Googling on Mr. Rockwell I was reminded of his series of paintings, The FourRead… Read more »

Do TV Sitcoms give Public Servants a Bad Rap?

Lately I’ve become obsessed with the show Parks and Recreation. I think it’s hysterical — and maybe part of that is because I work around government, and can relate the characters to people I’ve met. But it does make me wonder, is the show reinforcing negative stereotypes about government? For example: 1) Leslie Knope isRead… Read more »

City Council Adopts Budget, But Wants More Creativity

The newspaper headline “City Council adopts budget, but wants more creativity” caught my attention. It is rare to see local government officials expressing the need for more creativity in government. With decreasing revenues and state mandates making budget cuts necessary and a public angry about increasing taxes, creativity is definitely needed in the operation ofRead… Read more »

Innovation Survey: How do Federal leaders advance innovation within their organization?

Discussing innovation within the Federal Government typically brings to mind images of Todd Park and Vivek Kundra or the TSA IdeaFactory and DARPA. This is not the common face of innovation for many Federal leaders. Federal executives lead innovative organizational changes from process improvements to new acquisition strategies regularly. I want to know what lessonsRead… Read more »