
Federal Perspective: What a career in and around the federal government looks like

Welcome to a Special Edition of the DorobekINSIDER. Chris Dorobek is currently moderating a panel at Google’s Innovation Nation. Innovation Nation brings together 200 government CIOs to discuss and debate what the future holds for the work of government employees and to help CIOs transform their agencies with technologies that allow their employees to workRead… Read more »

Why Can’t We Get Everyone In The Same Room?

I have a feeder that forwards news articles related to government to my e-mail every day. It is not uncommon for me to come across a headline that states ”City Council & Mayor Discuss Strategic Priorities” or ”Town Board Meets for Annual Retreat”. I don’t ever recall reading a similar news headline for the CountyRead… Read more »

Ideas For Increasing Voting Rates

In 2010 only 36 percent of adults voted in New York State. To increse participation in voting, the Voter Empowerment Act of New York has been introduced in the New York State Legislature. If enacted the legislation will: • Allow citizens to register to vote at more government agencies. • Allow 16- and 17-year-olds toRead… Read more »

Customer Service For All

Organizations get feedback from a number of sources – email, social media, word of mouth, even from other employees. There is a strong tenancy to jump into action when a complaint is registered – all in the name of customer service. The urgency and energy spent to respond is almost obsessive in nature – weRead… Read more »

Connery got the job done at the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit

In post 9/11 world, securing nuclear materials and safeguarding them from non-governmental actors is as important as ever. In 2010, President Obama hosted 50 world leaders in Washington, DC at the Nuclear Security Summit. The gathering was the largest of world leaders since the creation of the United Nations in 1945. Joyce Connery, the currentRead… Read more »

Are Government Contractors Doing Enough to Differentiate Themselves?

Without a doubt, the next 12 to 24 months will be a period where government contractors need to be even more competitive – chasing after fewer and smaller contracting opportunities. Many are already seeing this as a particularly challenging time. As the market for winning new contracts and holding on to existing ones becomes moreRead… Read more »