
GSA’s SPF Program- Application deadline extended to 06/29/12

Fellow Federal Employees: If you are looking for a GREAT opportunity to learn about all aspects of Sustainability, work on meaningful projects, meet with others outside your Agency, and become a Sustainability Change Agent, consider applying for GSA’s Sustainability in Procurement Fellows (SPF) Program. This is a 6 month, intensive program where you work 20Read… Read more »

Stages of Innovation

Innovation is not “out there,” it’s a process. Looking at it historically, technologically, geographically, and developmentally can make innovation familiar and straightforward. Innovation in the United States in the 1700’s, was often British mechanics emigrating to make their fortune, building other people’s inventions they had learned in Britain. The work was often pirated tools forRead… Read more »

Agencies Developing More Comprehensive Mobile Strategies and Policies

Monica Mayk Parham, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. The rise of mobile technology in the government sector has allowed government employees to be more nimble and effective. Though with increased mobility comes greater challenges for those in charge of implementing mobile applications, such as Roger Baker, CIO at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). TheRead… Read more »

Could BYOD ease budget cuts? And local government challenges — different from those at the federal level

Today on the DorobekINSIDER BYOD — bring your own device. It is something that could be possible, but there are issues. We’ll talk to somebody who is actually doing it, Kimberly Hatcher at EEOC. Click here for the full post. There are challenges facing federal agencies, but there are many challenges facing cities and countiesRead… Read more »

3 things feds don’t know about local government

Right now federal, state and local governments are plagued with similar problems: tight budgets, implementing new technologies, utilizing social media and dealing with low public support. But there are some big differences too. Ron Carlee is the Chief Operating Officer at International City/County Management Association. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program there areRead… Read more »

Recovering from the Recovery Act: Part 4

While “austerity” is the buzz word in the federal government today, just three years ago the government had launched a massive recovery operation to stem the tide of what looked like a bottomless recession by spending $787 billion as fast as possible. How did career feds make it happen right? While there are debates asRead… Read more »

How to Post Performance Information

Check out my new article on the above topic at www.OhMyGov.com: Improving Government Performance – Part Five How important is performance really to an organization? By Stewart Liff May 31 2012, When I visit government organizations, I rarely see their performance information displayed anywhere, which makes me question how important performance actually is to thatRead… Read more »