KM at Commander, Pacific Fleet
Read Jamie’s blog “Fish out of water”.
Read Jamie’s blog “Fish out of water”.
Why is it so hard for governments to adopt innovative new technologies? Why does the public sector lag so far behind the private sector in leveraging new technology to create efficiencies? As an organization that works at the intersection of government and technology, these are questions we hear a lot at Code for America. ThroughRead… Read more »
We highlighted crisis communications a couple of weeks ago when we featured crisis communications expert Dr. Joe Trahan and his “go ugly early” approach. Crisis communications will be a hot topic at next week’s NAGC Communications School. I’m really interested to hear from others on how they distribute and redistribute tasks during a crisis. AtRead… Read more »
In everything we do we need to think differently, to do things the way nobody expects us to, to never accept that the way everyone else does something is the right way, and to do everything with the ultimate aim of producing a social good in some form. Original post
There is a new chief in town and things are going to change. Well, we better hope so or the person is not doing a good job. The chief I am referring to is the Chief Innovation Officer. The term has been thrown around loosely, but who is this mysterious person? In this three partRead… Read more »
“Our choice is either to innovate, or to not be around,” is the advice Scott Anthony has for those who want to be players in our rapidly changing world. Anthony is the managing director of Innosight, Asia-Pacific, and the author of The Little Black Book of Innovation. He spoke with the DorobekINSIDER to share hisRead… Read more »
By Sam Williford, Associate Consultant Plans by the state of New Jersey announced by Governor Chris Christie yesterday to defy federal law raises some interesting questions about the balance of power between the states and federal government. This standoff however is not about the Affordable Care Act, but about a 1992 federal ban on sportsRead… Read more »
On Today’s Program: Does mobile government have a place in the new Digital Government Strategy? Yes, says Tom Suder the President of MobileGov. We’ll continue our series talking to the finalists for the Service to America Medal winners — the SAMMIES — we’ll talk to a fed who was bullied as a kid and sheRead… Read more »
According to an old English proverb, A man is known by the company he keeps. On Facebook, some police officers are keeping company they wouldn’t otherwise keep. Some officers, the same ones who guard themselves, their families and colleagues diligently day in and day out are behaving as though they’ve forgotten they work in oneRead… Read more »
Just a reminder… Federally Employed Women (FEW) will host our 43rd National Training Program (NTP), in Detroit, Michigan, July 16-20, 2012, at the downtown Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Detroit, Michigan. The theme is “Wheels of Change Keep on Moving!” Based on our commitment to improving opportunities, this year’s training has been designed toRead… Read more »