
The Government Man is Back – What ever happened to the GSA scandal?

My blog posts on the GSA so-called scandal and my first You Tube posting received plenty of attention so I figured I would follow it up with more good cheer. I hope my message got across and reason is starting to prevail. What happened to the GSA scandal? It’s barely in the news anymore –Read… Read more »

Cybersecurity czar retires so what’s next? Insights from Karen Evans and Serving those who serve us — Warrior Foundation

On the program today for Tuesday May 22, 2012 Karen Evans, the OMB administrator for e-government and IT, talks about the departure of Howard Schmidt as the first White House cyber-security coordinator and we’ll talk about his replacement. We’re also going to start our series looking at groups that are helping Veterans — theRead… Read more »

Why Civic (Startup)?

Last week, Good Magazine featured the launch of our Civic Startup Accelerator, which prompted a bunch of tweets — mostly supportive, some curious, but one however caught my eye: Peace Corps meets VC meets Silicon Valley. But why not just work for a startup? bit.ly/Js0TH5 — Chase Adam (@ChaseAdam17) May 12, 2012 Basically it’s theRead… Read more »

Changing of the Guard: White House Cybersecurity Coordinator

This week on the 
DorobekINSIDER, Chris Dorobek spoke with Karen Evans, the national director of 
US Cyber Challenge. Among other cybersecurity issues, Karen discussed
 soon-to-be-retired Howard Schmidt’s tenure as the White House Cybersecurity Coordinator and the challenges facing his successor, Michael Daniel.

 Evans argues that Howard Schmidt brought a lot of attention to the complicatedRead… Read more »

The Warrior Foundation serves those that serve the US

Memorial day is coming up, it’s a change for GovLoop to honor the servicemen and women charged with protecting the United States by featuring someone from a foundation or program which aims to assist soldiers and veterans every day
 this week. Our first feature is Sandy Lehmkuhler, founder and executive director of the Warrior Foundation.Read… Read more »

Medicaid Realignment: Boon or Bane for Behavioral Healthcare?

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE May 21, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid 0 Comments Share on facebookShare on linkedinShare on twitterShare on google | More Sharing ServicesShare | Print How will behavioral healthcare clients fare under proposed Medicaid realignments? Reports are now available from a growing number of states about major efforts to realign Medicaid programs. Almost always, theRead… Read more »

On Listening

As toddlers, it’s one of the first things we learn how to do. Then we go off to Kindergarten and get years of practice. We listen to our teachers, our classmates, our music instructors, our coaches, and our clergy. We listen to our friends, neighbors, siblings, and teammates. Some of us even grow up listeningRead… Read more »