
Is TSA mission impossible? Insights from their former administrator Kip Hawley

Since 2001 the Transportation Security Administration has had an almost impossible job — protect the 2 million people who fly in an out of US airports.
 But how effective is this beleaguered agency, and is it really keeping us safe from terrorism?
 Kip Hawley is the former TSA administrator and the author of a newRead… Read more »

Like it or not, this is the workplace culture your organization is competing with

I came across 
this gem via
 Peter Stoyko’s blog; it’s the
 Valve employee handbook. Before I share my thoughts, here is what Peter had this to say about it:
 Behold: the employee-orientation manual of the future; except, I hasten to add, this manual is for an extremely successful company from the here and now, theRead… Read more »

The Third Industrial Revolution Is Beginning

Edmund Pendleton, the Assistant Director of the Mtech VentureAccelerator at the University of Maryland, was a panelist at The Democratization of Innovation meeting. He observed we are entering the third industrial revolution. The shift from local shops to locating multiple crafts and trades in a factory setting was the hallmark of the first industrial revolution.Read… Read more »

Local Governments In Arizona Get Innovative

An article in AZcentral.com highlights innovative efforts undertaken by local governments in Arizona: – The city of Mesa eliminated some departments and challenged the rest to rethink how they operate. One of the earliest results was a proposal from the Fire Department to stop sending large engines and four-person crews to every medical call. TheRead… Read more »

How one Fed gets Americans out of danger overseas, Keeping your career morale and how Canada’s improving political dialogue

 On the program today for Thursday May 17, 2012

 When times are tough — there is a terrible situation overseas… Egypt, Syria, Haiti — we’re going to talk to the person who helps Americans get out of danger… and she is a SAMMIES finalist.
 Keeping your morale up as you focus on your careerRead… Read more »

Trouble Abroad: Who Ya’ Gonna Call? Sammies Finalist Michelle Bernier-Toth!

Being tasked with people’s safety is no small calling, especially when the people are across borders in sometimes hostile countries. When a crisis happens overseas, it’s Michelle Bernier-Toth’s job as managing director of Overseas Citizens Services at the Department of State’s Bureau of Consular
 Affairs to contact US nationals and get them out of theRead… Read more »

Citizen Diplomats Support Foreign Policy by Hosting International Exchange Students

It’s an exciting time of year…we are gearing up to welcome our next class of USG-funded international high school exchange students. Wanted to bring to your attention the importance of youth exchange and the rewarding opportunities of hosting these future leaders from around the world. This DipNote blog says it all… Posted by J. AdamRead… Read more »

Does your agency need a duplication scorecard? We talk to the Congressman behind a new bill

Duplication — multiple organizations doing the same thing. There is a question as to whether, in this age of austerity, the government can afford to have multiple programs doing the same thing and some argue that duplication makes it more difficult to assess if programs are actually working.
 Yet we also know that most ofRead… Read more »