
Political appointees — A guide to ward off pitfalls and challenges

The November elections are quickly approaching, and no matter who wins, the next term means a whole new crop of political appointees will be joining government.
 The challenges facing those appointees are vast — especially in the first two years.
 Paul Lawrence is a Principal at Ernst and Young. In his new book,
 Paths toRead… Read more »

Service Contract Inventories: Missed Opportunities For Transparency

Last month, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new report in April 2012 detailing a continuing issue at the Department of Defense (DoD) that is not foreign across government; the lack of transparency when it come to service contracts. The GAO report looks at two issues inherent in the struggles at DoD; lack ofRead… Read more »

The 3 V’s of big data — What are they and how do they impact you?

Big data it’s the new buzz word taking over government. But what is it? How should you prepare your agency to harness its powers?
 Thor Olavsrud is a senior writer at CIO. He’s outlined the role of big data with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program.

 Olavsrud says there are 3 V’s to bidRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: CIA Refused to Waterboard Senator

Whether or not waterboarding is torture is apparently up for debate. What isn’t up for debate, however, is whether or not the CIA feared waterboarding would give Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) a heart attack. In a new book released by former CIA official Jose Rodriguez, he disclosed that the senator requested to be waterboarded, claimingRead… Read more »

One Important Policy Missing in Open Data

Open data is a huge step towards open government, but it isn’t so easy. There are problems with the decision making process in what becomes public information. John Wonderlich, Policy Director for the Sunlight Foundation spoke with Chris Dorobek of the DorobekINSIDER about the missing link in the open data decision making process. Decisions aboutRead… Read more »

Challenges facing gov procurement – and OFPP; recognizing public service; and making open data

 On today’s program for Wednesday May 9th, 2012 The nominee to be the government’s new procurement chief is on Capitol Hill for his confirmation hearing. Joe Jordan isn’t well known — and doesn’t have extensive procurement experience. What should be on his agenda? Insights from the former deputy at the Office of Federal ProcurementRead… Read more »

America’s coolest mayor: John Fretterman is redefining public service motivation IMH!

I watched this amazing video by director Morgan Spurlock (you know the “Supersize Me” guy) on Hulu.com yesterday and was really inspired: Morgan followed John Fretterman, mayor of zip code 15104, Braddock, PA, for a day and showed the daily efforts to revive a town: Mr. Fretterman, a graduate from Harvard’s Kennedy School MPP programRead… Read more »

A little recognition goes a long way. Why Public Service Recognition Week matters and tools to make it happen

It’s Public Service Recognition Week — a time for managers to take a second to appreciate all the great work you do on a daily basis. It really couldn’t of come at a better time for federal employees who are under fire for the actions of a few bad apples. Tom Fox is Vice PresidentRead… Read more »

Busting Up Bake Sales

If someone wants an issue to be front and center in American politics—do something to make Moms mad. The Obama Administration’s latest front in the battle against obesity, is the regulation of snacks and food that are not the requisite breakfast and lunch. First up on the firing line is the beloved bake sale. InRead… Read more »