
Fear Factor – Bill Connor’s April 22 Column from Fortune.com

Solicitor General Donald Verrilli picked the wrong day to get the jitters last month. Fighting to keep The Affordable Health Care Act intact in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, he hesitated, he stuttered, he coughed, he gulped ice water – he didn’t make a strong impression. The New Yorker’s legal writer Jeffrey Toobin summedRead… Read more »

Three Hot New Social Apps For Election 2012

Stan Freck (Park City, UT) — Everyone knows that the 2008 Obama/Biden campaign for President of the United States made sophisticated use of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media, not to mention creatively tapping into America’s young voters in other innovative ways. But if you thought technology in the 2008 presidential race was a bigRead… Read more »

City Changes Its Culture To Become Cheaper, Faster, Better and Friendlier

Over the past ten years the City of Carrollton Texas has grown in population from 80,000 residents to 120,000 residents. The City of Carrollton has also implemented a culture of managed competition estimated to have saved the city $30 million over the last decade. Despite an increase of over 40,000 residents, the city still operatesRead… Read more »

Social Business By Design: Transformative Social Media Strategies for the Connected Company

Dion Hinchcliffe of Dachis Group is one of the brightest minds in the nation today. For years he has helped individuals and organizations think through complex challenges. And for years he has proven he can glean trends and impart their relevance to decision-makers. He is world renowned for his thinking, speaking and writing powers. AndRead… Read more »

Reach for the APP, not the Gun.

Dallas (Thursday, April 12, 2012)– The RTCC (Real Time Crime Center) of the Philadelphia Police Department today launched iWatchPhiladelphia, a mobile app and “Centralized Investigational Dashboard” (CID) software suite that lets any citizen to report suspected criminal activities, respond to police requests for information, or submit photos or videos anonymously from smartphones directly to theRead… Read more »

Is that data big or realtime? Classifying data correctly can make all the difference

Data comes in many different forms, and depending on the form of data, it can totally change its use. For example, realtime data has different applications than data not in realtime, same goes for big and small data. While speaking with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER, Tim Davies, a PhD student in the Web ScienceRead… Read more »

Winning the Hearts and Minds of Government Employees

Here is part of an article I wrote on the above topic: There are many things that management can do which will enable the top 10% to prevail, and more importantly, transform the employees into a workforce that is committed, not merely compliant. However, given the space limitations of this column, I’m going to focusRead… Read more »

RSVP Today for 5/15 Re-Imagining Customer Service Roundtable

Please join GovLoop at our next GovLoop Conversations Event on May 15th as we explore ways to improve customer service in government, share best practices and avoid common roadblocks. To register for this event, please follow this link. We hope you’ll join us! On May 15th at The Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government Roundtable (RegisterRead… Read more »

The Center For Reinventing Government

Several years ago I started my first blog Buffalo Ideas, while serving as Chief of Staff to the Buffalo Common Council. After I left the Common Council I moved my blog to Paul Wolf Ideas. Through my 17 years of local government employment I have experienced first hand the good, bad and the ugly ofRead… Read more »