
The Government’s Do Not Pay Portal, Predicting Gun Crimes, and More

The Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Treasury launched the Do Not Pay site, an online portal to stop payments for individuals or organizations that have defrauded the government or are ineligible to receive government money. More here. The proposed Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) has been attacked byRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: April 13, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Collaborative Consumption. The Sharing Economy has come to government, at least in the form of car sharing. Alex Howard has a great article that not only details two cities’ experiences in car sharing (Boston and DC), but has some great links to other resources on the general topic of collaborative consumption. A DifferentRead… Read more »

Information Follows the Hierarchy

Information wants to be free may be a slogan that is en vogue with technology activists but it is also a slogan that diametrically opposed to how bureaucracy actually works. Le triangle des bermudes On the Internet information is omnidirectional; it is easy to find, verify and re-purpose. Whereas in the bureaucracy, information is atRead… Read more »

Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government: A Review

The other day the Canadian Government published its Action Plan on Open Government, a high level document that both lays out the Government’s goals on this file as well as fulfill its pledge to create tangible goals as part of its participation in next week’s Open Government Partnership 2012 annual meeting in Brazil. So whatRead… Read more »

Is Michigan’s Innovation Fund a Blueprint for Success?

Chris Dorobek recently interviewed David Behen, the Chief Information Officer at Michigan’s Department of Technology, Management and Budget on the DorobekINSIDER. I’ve been following discussions on GovLoop over the past several months on whether government should fund innovation initiatives and how it could do so during tough fiscal conditions, so I was really interested inRead… Read more »

How to Grow Mushrooms in the Office

Before you think this article is one you perhaps shouldn’t be reading as a government professional, let me define office mushrooms for you. I’m not talking about the fungus, but rather the saying about how some companies treat their employees – keeping them in the dark and feeding them garbage. It’s a good way toRead… Read more »