
7 Big Takeaways from the GSA Scandal — how they can apply to you too

The GSA conference scandal is bad for GSA and bad for government in general. Lavish spending in a time of extreme budget cuts doesn’t help anyone. But there are some lessons to be learned. Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at PPS. He’s compiled his list of the seven things allRead… Read more »

Experience DISA

As one of the true leaders in our nation’s defense or as I like to call it, the “Apple” of our Nation’s defense, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is an organization that has shown the ability to be a starting and finishing point in terms of career progression with the federal government. DISA has anRead… Read more »

The Debate on CEM Certificates in Emergency Management

Below is a current article discussing the merits of obtaining a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM) certificate for professionals in the Emergency and Crisis Management fields. In establishing the certification process the IAEM created a standard body of knowledge for emergency managers, then set requirements for them to meet to become certified. The certifications have evolved,Read… Read more »

Should Government Reorganize Itself? (Part IV)

Would “virtual agencies” be an effective alternative to traditional structural reorganization initiatives? If so, what needs done to make them happen? When Vice President Gore’s reinventing government team was being formed in the early 1990s, he encouraged it to not focus on reorganizing agencies and programs, but rather to fix what’s inside the agencies. HeRead… Read more »

What You can Learn from Presidential Leadership Styles…

Leading a team is a difficult sometimes harrowing task. So you can only imagine how difficult managing a country can be. That’s the subject of Michael Eric Siegel’s new book, “The President as Leader.” The book highlights the leadership style of five different presidencies to find what works and what doesn’t. Michael told Chris DorobekRead… Read more »

What is the STOCK Act? Why are SESers up in arms?

We are hearing a LOT of concern out there about the STOCK Act— the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act. This is the bill –– now law — designed to deal with lawmakers using an insider scoop from making money off of that information. Essentially, it makes insider trading by lawmakers illegal, which is aRead… Read more »

Legislative Tolerance

There are rites of passage in spring — flowers peek from the soil, the snow clearing equipment goes to the back of the shed, major religions celebrate important holidays, and state legislatures begin debating issues that can change our lives. Congress is in session all months now, but meaningful legislation moves slowly in Washington. StateRead… Read more »