
Parity in Politics—Why Women Don’t Want It

Marking the 20-year anniversary of the Year of the Woman, Karen Tumulty’s front-page Washington Post article details the never-ending challenges of gender parity in American politics. While an informative piece about the United States’ 78th world ranking in woman’s representation in national legislatures, tied with Turkmenistan for those keeping track, it reflects a flawed conventionalRead… Read more »

Can tech create Democracy? 10 Leadership Commandments from an Admiral

It’s Day Three of FOSE week and the DorobekINSIDER is there brining you the inside scoop at the annual government IT conference and trade show. Chris has been tweeting up a storm and you can follow him @cdorobek. FOSE has been producing some great panels. And the Former Senator Senator from Maine George Mitchell’s panelRead… Read more »

It’s Not Just About Escaping the Office

One reason the word “telework” seems inadequate to describe how we want to change the workplace is that it suggests that our focus is only on how people can be effective when they work at home. But that’s not really what it’s all about. The Workplace of the Future is about people working where, when,Read… Read more »

Online IT Security Awareness Materials

We are looking at the possibility of developing an in-house online security awareness training program for our employees. We currently contract out with a hosted solution, however, it is pricey. I was looking around on the web, found very few online training programs that were short. I think one I found was like a 10-hourRead… Read more »

Using BHAG’s to Change Organizations: A Management, Open Data & Government Mashup

I’m a big believer in the ancillary benefits of a single big goal. Set a goal that has one clear objective, but as a result a bunch of other things have to change as well. So one of my favourite Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG) for an organization is to go paperless. I like theRead… Read more »

The Kind of Work I’d Like to Do

Hi Everyone, The last two weeks have been pretty hectic, while budgets were tabled and bureaucrats tasked with sorting it out, I’ve spent a considerable amount of time dealing with things a little closer to home. It’s funny how family issues focus you on that which is most important to you. While I choose toRead… Read more »

Online Community Management survey launches for Australia and New Zealand

Quiip and Delib Australia have launched the first online community management survey for Australia and New Zealand. The survey aims to help local organisations and individuals better understand the skills required to work in these professions, help uncover role challenges, training and support needs and the actual work and salaries that online community management andRead… Read more »

Visual Management in Government

Shaping Space for Success: The Power of Visual Management by Stewart Liff Visual management can help your agency deliver better service. Combining performance management, human resources management, organization design principles and fine arts shapes your environment to positively influence your employees and improve overall performance. Take a moment to look around at your workspace. WhatRead… Read more »

FOSE: Create a successful records management strategy for your organization

How well is your records information management (RIM) program performing? Diane Carlisle of ARMA and William Neale of Information Management Consultants explored answers to this question during a panel discussion at this year’s FOSE Conference & Expo. Information governance is one of the topics that is often top of mind for today’s CIOs and CEOs,Read… Read more »