
Top 10 WWWD (What Would Washington Do)?

Nearly daily a political figure or commentator demands a return to the principles of America’s founding fathers. For a few of these speakers, incorporating colonial ideas on civility & decent behavior in company and conversation, might be very worthwhile. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, operator of the world’s largest living history museum in Williamsburg, Virginia holdsRead… Read more »

The Case for Teleworking

Teleworking is becoming an increasingly popular way of working for many people. The convenience of wearing pajamas while working aside, the home often offers freedom, privacy and a distraction free environment which lends itself to a more productive and functional workplace than the traditional cubicle office. For employees, teleworking offers reduced commute times and reducedRead… Read more »

Is your Chief Security Information Officer really necessary?

Is your Chief Security Information Officer really necessary? That’s the questions being posed by some state and local governments who are looking for ways to cut budgets and save costs. Hord Tipton is the executive director at ISC2. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER show that the CSIO’s duties are in large part beingRead… Read more »

Recommendations For Improving County Government

The League of Women Voters of Buffalo Niagara sponsored a forum titled Who Needs County Government and Why? The four speakers were: Dr. Joseph Stefko, Director of Public Finance, Center for Government Research, Rochester, NY James Magavern, Esq. Brenda McDuffie, Executive Director, Buffalo Urban League Kenneth Vetter, Executive Director, Erie County Fiscal Stability Authority ARead… Read more »


Colleagues, Like many of you, I’ve been following the news, reactions and comments about the recent murder of Trevon Martin, the Florida teen who was murderdered while walking in the “wrong” neighborhood at the “wrong” time. While I have no particular agenda (I’m a single white male baby boomer), I can’t help but weep forRead… Read more »

Senators Collins and Lieberman Honored with Coalition Award

Wednesday was a special day for The Coalition for Government Procurement and for the procurement community at large. We honored two outstanding leaders in federal acquisition with our highest honor. Over the 33 year history of The Coalition for Government Procurement, the Common Sense in Government Procurement Award has been presented only 10 times. PastRead… Read more »

Will unspent FEMA grant money lead to a ‘return to sender’?

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. According to recent testimony at a congressional hearing on March 20, billions of dollars in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant funds for state and local governments has gone unused. Since 2003, FEMA has provided $35 billion in funding for state and local governments to pay for equipment, training forRead… Read more »

Small and Large Contractors Needed for HUD IT Modernization Efforts

See the latest from Deltek editor Anthony Critelli Budgetary pressure is a major challenge to the IT modernization efforts of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), noted director of Innovation and Open Government Stan Buch at a Deltek Federal Executive Breakfast in McLean, Va., on March 22. Deltek analyst Douglas West pointed outRead… Read more »