
Should Government Reorganize Itself? (Part I)

Last month, the Senate held a hearing on re-tooling government for the 21st century. What’s the background behind recent pushes to reorganize the government and how do they different from perennial calls to do so over the past three decades that have gone no where? The Senate hearing focused on recent U.S. Government Accountability OfficeRead… Read more »

How Does Contracting Impact Human Capital Within Your Agency?

Recently I read a memo written by Peter Orszar, former Director of the Office of Budget and Management. In the memo, Orszag has identified that the goal for government is to find the optimal mix of public and private resources to deliver the highest level of service to citizens. He also cautions that an overrelianceRead… Read more »

Good morning, here are today’s political law links

TIMES EDITORIAL ON VAN HOLLEN V. FEC. Here. POLITICALMONEYLINE.COM RELAUNCH. Here. Q1 FCPA REPORT. FCPA Blog. “But over the last three months, individual defendants captured most of the attention. There were acquittals, mistrials, dismissals, and sentencings that were all high-profile enforcement events.” STEVENS REPORT COST. The Post. “The mistakes by prosecutors handling the corruption trialRead… Read more »

Using GIS During an Emergency

There are dozens of applications of GIS technology. Last month, I wrote about 10 ways GIS can influence governance. One of the more interesting ways, and quickly emerging, is using GIS during an emergency. I recently read a case study from the ESRI website, Larimer County GIS Builds Customer Web App to Empower Emergency Managers,Read… Read more »

Views from the Executive Suite: Helping Guide a New Generation of Federal Leaders

See the latest from GovWin blogger Marc Hausman. An exclusive interview with Thomas Dungan III, Chief Executive Officer, Management Concepts There is a wonderful scene in the movie The Natural when Roy Hobbs, the main character played by Robert Redford, carves a baseball bat from a tree split by lightning. Although Management Concepts CEO ThomasRead… Read more »

Selecting a 3PAO with assessors that have the Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK)

The CCSK is NOT meant to be a substitute for other certifications in information security, audit and governance. The CCSK augments other credentialing programs like the CISSP, CAP, CSSLP, etc. However, the CCSK does provide a valuable selector for organizations such as federal agencies, cloud service providers (CSPs), and even cloud customers seeking to evaluateRead… Read more »

Should Elected Officials Be Required To Resign Before Seeking Another Office?

Recently I learned that the City of Philadelphia Charter requires city elected officials to resign their position if they want to run for another public office. Six years ago a city councilmember attempted to remove the requirement for city elected officials to resign when seeking another public office and city voters defeated eliminating the law.Read… Read more »