
Small and Large Contractors Needed for HUD IT Modernization Efforts

See the latest from Deltek editor Anthony Critelli Budgetary pressure is a major challenge to the IT modernization efforts of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), noted director of Innovation and Open Government Stan Buch at a Deltek Federal Executive Breakfast in McLean, Va., on March 22. Deltek analyst Douglas West pointed outRead… Read more »

Pay freezes, job cuts, retirement changes, all possibilities in the Republican Budget Proposal

Pay freezes, job cuts, retirement changes, all possibilities in the Republican Budget Proposal by GovLoop Insights Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek… where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days… and we work to findRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 23, 2012

This post has been updated to include Dan Chenok’s contributions. Gadi Ben-Yehuda Can you hear me now? Kaifeng Yang, whose 2008 study on citizen particiaption I link to whenever possible, is the principal author of a new book of collected essays and studies on, what else? citizen participation. The State of Citizen Participation in AmericaRead… Read more »

Facebook As a Social Media Tool

Facebook has developed apps for business and government to make it easy to use as a channel for individuals and business/government to provide and exchange information. Does it work? Yes – but it’s not magic. Creative design and vibrant content are required. Here’s illustrations of an innovative approach – one by business and one byRead… Read more »

EPA’s Public Participation Guide

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) is proud to launch the “Public Participation Guide“, an international public participation toolkit. It is a resource for agencies and organizations to help develop, plan for, and implement programs that engage the public in environmental decision-making. U.S.EPA has worked on developing this guide since 2009, initially for useRead… Read more »

Disruptive Technologies — why Netflix and Southwest Succeed

Disruptive innovation is having a HUGE impact on how you do your job — think cloud computing and military drones. But what is disruptive innovation… and how can you be at the forefront rather than being run over by it? Bill Eggers is responsible for research and thought leadership for Deloitte’s Public Sector industry practiceRead… Read more »

PMP Exam Tip – Always use the PMBOK Guides’s approach when answering PMP Exam sample questions

There is a bit of a disconnect that PMP Exam takers report as they are preparing for the exam. Because you must be an experienced project manager to take the exam, you bring years of experience in managing projects and using tools & techniques with you. Often, these are based on company internal project managementRead… Read more »