
Connecting to 22 million Veterans one click at a time…how the VA’s new media strategy could help your agency

Its an almost impossible task — reach out to, connect to, inform and empower the roughly 22 million veterans. But that’s exactly what the Department of Veterans Affairs is trying to do and they are using social media to make it happen. Brandon Friedman is the Director of Online Communication. Its a job that wasRead… Read more »

New media changes the VA, Why Stepping up Matters, and How to have a Happy Conflict

New media changes the VA, Why Stepping up Matters, and How to have a Happy Conflict by GovLoop Insights The start of our second week… thanks for being here. And there was some significant news on Friday — a new nominee to be the Obama administration’s chief technology officer — Todd Park. Park has beenRead… Read more »

How Organizations Could Be More Successful – (Part Three of How Organizations Fail)

To understand how organizations can succeed, let’s briefly recap the lessons from the first two parts of this series on organizational failure. Part One –Framework for Analyzing Organizational Failure1) Every decision has unintended consequences for the future – latent conditions.2) Leaders often make decisions without a thorough analysis of the effects of their decisions.3) EmployeesRead… Read more »

How Organizations Fail (Part Two) – Drifting into Failure

In part one of this series, I wrote about my research that lead to the Framework for Analyzing Organizational Failure. Since I created the Framework back in 2005, I have seen it validated in a number of organizational failures. So, in 2010, I started work on expanding the paper into a book. During the courseRead… Read more »

Leadership Is Achieving Outcomes Through Collaboration

Getting things done in government requires working with other levels of government, non-profit organizations etc. Mark Funkhouser as the Director of the Governing Institute (a former Mayor of Kansas City), recently watched Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley conduct a session of StateStat, the process he has implemented to make the state’s government more efficient. As FunkhouserRead… Read more »

Think Different, Think Simplicity

Last Christmas after all the festivities and the big dinner –I settled down with my iPad and purchased Steve Job’s Biography. I was thinking how cool is it to buy and enjoy something on Christmas –without having to leave the house. Besides the only store opened on Christmas is the 7-11 and I didn’t needRead… Read more »

Todd Park Named New US Chief Technology Officer

The White House Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, John Holdren just announced that the President has selected the relief for Aneesh Chopra. A hearty congrats to Todd Park! Todd is an incredibly mission-focused technologist with an enthusiasm that is absolutely contagious. This is fantastic news for the country. Todd knows dataRead… Read more »

Deltek Pulse: Justice/Public Safety and Homeland Security February review

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. The most common terms appearing in solicitations during the month of February were Security, Services and Management. The word cloud below provides a visual interpretation of key-term frequency. Number of public safety bids: 140 Top three states (by number of solicitations released): California, Texas and Missouri Top three key words:Read… Read more »