
New challenge hopes twitter can catch crooks, Fuse Corp takes off, saying goodbye to a TSP Pioneer

New challenge hopes twitter can catch crooks, Fuse Corp takes off, saying goodbye to a TSP Pioneer by GovLoop Insights So… day two of GovLoop Insight’s DorobekINSIDER. Thanks so much for being here. Here is what we have for you today… * We all remember tag — we all played it as kids. But whatRead… Read more »

Steve Case Tells America How To “Control Alt Compete”

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Creating jobs, improving the economy through innovation, and increasing America’s global competitiveness are incredibly important right now, and a lot of the improvement in these areas will come from small “startup” businesses in major metro areas around the country. In that vein, the Startup America partnership welcomed people to aRead… Read more »

The Politically Proficient Project Manager

If you are a project manager, you will have to deal with organizational politics in virtually every part of your work. Whether it’s trying to attract a sponsor, grab a star performer for your project team, or compete with another project manager for scarce resources, every decision you make will have a political impact. IfRead… Read more »

Talk at City Forum in Austin This Thursday: Trends in E-participation

I’ll be talking about “e-democracy: New Trends in On-line Public Deliberation” at City Forum in Austin this week: City Forum is a planning and urban issues speaker series hosted by the Community and Regional Planning Student Organization (CRPSO) and the Community and Regional Planning Program (CRP) at the University of Texas at Austin. The bi-weeklyRead… Read more »

Stop waiting for the messiah and do it yourself

While there’s many organisations now actively beginning to experiment with social media channels and tools, just as many – if not more – are still cautious about even putting a toe in the water. “It’s not right for us”, they say, “our audience isn’t online” or “doesn’t want to engage with us” or “we don’tRead… Read more »

Kansas Hunger Dialogue happening today and tomorrow

Today and tomorrow (March 5th and 6th), Kansas Campus Compact is hosting The Kansas Hunger Dialogue in Overland Park, Kansas. The goal for this year’s Kansas Hunger Dialogue (this is its second year) is to develop a statewide consensus among institutions of higher learning to impact hunger with the state of Kansas and ultimately, theRead… Read more »

Telework — Managing Your Boundaries

As we start the Second Annual Telework Week today, it’s a good time to think about boundaries and the challenge of how we create a boundary between the professional and the personal when we work at home. The most obvious boundary can be created by the space in which we work. A home office, forRead… Read more »