
Award Shows = Joke

Federal workers get beat up a lot. They haven’t had raises to keep up with inflation in two years, likely won’t get them for at least one more years, and Congress continually bashes feds. (It’s not fun when your bosses constantly critique you). However, this isn’t an “oh it’s so tough” post. Others, like stateRead… Read more »

Bird Flu Research Details To Be Released

Despite fear that terrorists could the information to start epidemics, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently announced they would release the “full details” of experiments done last year by research teams, at Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on the virus known as H5N1, that made the deadlyRead… Read more »

We Feel Your Pain

As you read this, you may be going through many of the same things that I went through long ago. In fact you’re joined by thousands of other readers right now who are going through much the same thing you are. Some of us are trying to land our first job in project management, someRead… Read more »

Grieving the Sudden Death of a Beloved Mentor, Manager, and “Man for All Seasons”: The Personal and Transpersonal Art of Keeping a Spirit Alive

My Grief Intervention work continues. I believe there is much to learn being with people whose world has been tragically turned upside down. I hope I have done justice to their pain and plight. Of course, if I can help you deal with personal or organizational loss, through on-site grief intervention, workshops, or retreats onRead… Read more »

Great day for 10 states: HHS releases $230 million for health insurance exchange efforts

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded 10 additional states funding under the Level One and Two establishment grants. Grant awards amount to approximately $230 million. Interestingly enough, Arkansas, which has opted for the federal exchange, is among the awardees. Legislation to establish an insurance exchange failedRead… Read more »

Austerity and Innovation: (For/N)ever the Two Shall Meet?

In a recent GovernmentExecutive – Management Matters article, Jeffrey Neal makes a simple (in theory) yet revolutionary (in practice) argument: in this time budget restrictions and making more happen with less resources, leaders are in a perfect position to create innovation in their agencies. On all levels, innovative thinking can create major cost savings: fromRead… Read more »

Changing the government IT landscape with CloudStore

On Sunday, February 19, the Government Procurement Service officially launched CloudStore for UK central government and local authorities. The UK government first proposed the G-Cloud initiative over two years ago with the goal of bringing a wider range of cloud suppliers to the public sector while increasing the flexibility of procurement contracts. The programme wantedRead… Read more »

Resolving Community Conflicts and Problems: Public Deliberation and Sustained Dialogue

This 2011 book, edited by Roger A. Lohmann and Jon Van Til, focuses on how public deliberation and group discussion can strengthen the foundations of civil society, even when the groups engaged in debate share a history of animosity. Scholars have begun to study the dialogue sustaining these conversations, especially its power to unite andRead… Read more »

The Regulations.gov Relaunch

By Alex Moll, Communications Officer, eRulemaking Program Management Office Yesterday, the White House announced the relaunch of Regulations.gov in a post on remaking public participation by Cass Sunstein, the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA): “In response to the President’s direction, Regulations.gov has launched a major redesign, including innovative new searchRead… Read more »