
Top Ten Things You Need to Know to Manage Performance

Performance management is all about clarity: clear expectations about both performance and on-the-job conduct or behavior. While it takes time and effort to set up a performance management program, there are some things managers and employees can incorporate into their regular work activities. Here are ten things to know about performance management: Remember that performanceRead… Read more »

What separates you from being a crazed babbling lunatic and a leader?

One follower. According to Derek Sivers, leadership starts with someone who has the guts and chutzpah to stand out and be ridiculed. Being different doesn’t have to mean being wierd (*which is part of another awesome TED talk) but it does require being confident enough in your message, vision, and purpose to be willing toRead… Read more »

Diversity Matters to the Mission

http://www.fedinsider.com State Department veterans remember when the best way to describe their colleagues was “pale, male and Yale.” It wasn’t just State. At most federal departments, at the professional and managerial ranks, you found white men with similar backgrounds. Diversifying – employment, business ownership, contracting, college enrollment – as a movement followed the civil rightsRead… Read more »

What is the Value of Coaching during these Times of Uncertainty?

Recently I’ve been reflecting on the value and importance of coaching and how it supports the development of leadership during the chaotic times in which we find ourselves. There is no question that government leaders today find their roles and responsibilities changing, and things that were once stable and enduring are no longer so. OneRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 01, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It’s spring (meteorologically), when many people are thinking about getting engaged. By which I mean: citizen engagement, employee engagement, and engagement in and through social media. A Ladder or a Continuum. On the blog Bang the Table, Cripsin Butteriss dusts off his papers on citizen participation and shares Sherry R Arnstein’s “Ladder ofRead… Read more »

Government, Go Mobile in 2012. Do It Right 2

By: Andreas Muno In the last post, we discussed how Government/Public Sector enterprises are the laggards in the mobility race. This week we’ll take a further look at some of the challenges that come from lagging behind and some of the benefits that come from embracing mobility. Security Agencies often try to prevent data leakageRead… Read more »

Rahm Emanuel Launches Chicago “Early College” STEM High Schools

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Rahm Emanuel, flanked with executives from five large technology companies, announced the formation of five innovative “early college STEM schools,” which are six-year high schools focused on preparing students for a modern, information-laden, tech-savvy future workforce. Students will also have the opportunity to be “first in line” for interviews withRead… Read more »

Keys To A Successful Recycling Program

In addition to being good for the environement recycling can save a municipality signficant sums of money by reducing the amount spent on landfilling garbage. For years city officials in Buffalo have debated how to improve its dismal recycling rate. Penalties have been discussed offering incentives has been discussed, yet Buffalo has a dismal rateRead… Read more »