
What does it take to be a leader in government IT?

Government IT is a fickle world that requires leaders to utilize multiple skillsets to achieve success. This world has many moving parts, and if not managed properly, could break down and create mayhem. What do leaders in government technology need to do to be successful? Here are two suggestions… First, leaders must build a solidRead… Read more »

New Member

Hello Everyone, I’d like to introduce myself, my organization, and interests to fellow members. Efficient construction product delivery methods (integrated project delivery/IPD), job order contracting/JOC), construction/renovation/repair/sustainability cost databases, BIM as an integrated process, cloud computing, and facility life-cycle management are my core interests. Our firm’s software and solutions support over 80% of United States AirRead… Read more »

Finding the Right Combination: A Lesson in Leadership

Leadership requires constant growth and understanding of not just yourself and your management style, but also of your employees and coworkers. Critical to leadership is having a keen understanding on how to best navigate your environment to produce desired results. At any stage of your career, you can be a leader and exhibit leadership qualities.Read… Read more »

Advice from A Retired Public Servant

Social Connect via: The public service is good at many things and yet faces challenges in many others. One area of great personal interest is the demographic shift as aging baby boomers retire from the public service. One important element of this retirement is the loss of institutional and corporate knowledge that has the potentialRead… Read more »

How Denver Health Spectacularly Improved Their Operations

Patricia A. Gabow, M.D., CEO of Denver Health and Hospital Authority, has spectacularly improved Denver’s public hospital and busiest trauma center by asking the right questions and implementing Lean. In a blog post by Matthew Weinstock at Hospitals and Health Network Gabow says, “I was really becoming frustrated that we were doing things pretty muchRead… Read more »

The Executive Think Tank Conference on Diversity & Inclusion has taken on an incredible momentum

The focus of the Thought Leadership Executive Level Think Tank Training session is compliance with Executive Order 13583 and Executive Order 13548 on diversity and inclusion in the federal sector and strategies and best practices for diversity and inclusion within industry and other fields. Supervisors/Executives (thought leaders, influencers & visionaries) from government, private sector, nonRead… Read more »