
First: How to Train People to Communicate Well, Not How to Act

When training acting takes the place of empathy and more. Saying something important or serious the politically correct way isn’t always best. Acting is about truth, honor, trust and integrity. What it is not about is “faking it” or “pretending;” that does no one any good. From an actor’s perspective, doing those things rarely endRead… Read more »

Strengthening Employee Health and Productivity through Workplace Griefbusting: Transforming Workplace Ghost Carriers into Grief Warriors

Once again I’m reminded of how lingering grief sits heavy on many people’s minds and bodies, hearts and souls; and yet this hulking ghost is often barely recognized in a “TNT” – “Time, Numbers, & Technology” – driven and distracted world. Actually, this psychic specter has the potential to both trigger volatility and be emotionallyRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 10, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov in (cyber)space! edition. From Cables to Wireless. Three senior State Department officials will sit down with Alex Howard to talk about the evolution of 21st Century Statecraft: what it means, how it is progressing, and what the future holds. Alex writes about how you can submit a question, attend the panel, orRead… Read more »

Thoughts About and Analysis of the 2011 Public Service Employee Survey

Last week the Treasury Board Secretariat released the results of the 2011 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES). According to the Treasury Board Secretariat website: The Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) has been conducted every three years since 1999. It provides employees the opportunity to anonymously voice their opinions on their leadership, workforce and work environment.Read… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: The Senate Judiciary Committee votes to televise Supreme Court arguments

On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to favorably report a bill that would require the Supreme Court to allow television coverage of its arguments (S. 1945). Currently, only a limited number of citizens are able to see the court’s sessions in person. Audio files of proceedings are released after the fact, but are notRead… Read more »

The DorobekINSIDER Book Club: Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries

For the past several years, I have been hosting something I call the DorobekINSIDER Book Club — it is something like the Oprah Book Club but more wonky. Essentially, we select a book that is tied to my favorite words: It helps the government do its job better. We invite the author… and then weRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation's Political Party Time: Lobbyists Hosting Romney Fundraisers

Throughout the presidential campaign season, Mitt Romney has portrayed himself as a Washington outsider. In contrast to his leading Republican rivals — Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Ron Paul — Romney has never had a political career in the nation’s capital. Still, when it comes to fundraising, Romney does not appear lacking in inside theRead… Read more »

Lessons of E-Filing – Government & IT

By Daniel Eisen The impact of technology on the federal government operations and the delivery of citizen-centric services are undeniable. Developing and implementing any technology is a complex undertaking. Developing and implementing technology for the federal government, can and usually does, increase this level of complexity. These efforts usually involve multiple stakeholders and interests suchRead… Read more »