
Hadoop Quickstart: Use Whirr to automate standup of your distributed cluster on Rackspace

We have previously provided a Quickstart guide to standing up Rackspace cloud servers (and have one for Amazon servers as well). These are very low cost ways of building reliable, production ready capabilities for enterprise use (commercial and government). And Bryan Halfpap has provided a Quickstart guide which shows you how to build a HadoopRead… Read more »

Who’s the boss?

Every good, successful team is lead by an effective leader. Part of your organization’s media plan must focus on your team’s structure, even if there are just two members. A social media team is only as knowledgeable and functional as its players…with a leader who delegates responsibility and provides guidance towards achieving objectives and establishingRead… Read more »

Leadership Lessons: King Robert Baratheon

This is a new recurrent feature taking an unserious look at leadership lessons from George RR Martin’s Game of Thrones series. BE FOREWARNED: THIS ENTIRE SERIES MAY BE ONE GIANT SPOILER. I WILL DRAW UPON WHATEVER QUOTES FROM THE FIRST 5 BOOKS OF THE SERIES I SEE FIT. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. As aRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 27, 2012

Updated to include Dan Chenok’s contributions. Gadi Ben-Yehuda The Metaphor Edition! Is Identifying-information Radioactive? Cory Doctorow makes the case that it is in the Guardian article, “Personal data is as hot as nuclear waste.” Great sub-head: “We should treat personal electronic data with the same care and respect as weapons-grade plutonium – it is dangerous,Read… Read more »

That fundamental change we’ve been talking about

Visual notes taken by @Prugelmeister at #goc3 Wednesday I attended Collaborative Management Day. The highlight of the day for me was watching the Clerk of the Privy Council listen intently and respond genuinely as a handful of public servants from across the country asked him questions, sought his support and even expressed their frustrations. TheRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Only a Smarter Congress Can Make Better Internet Policy

Recent calls for technologists to hire lobbyists to educate Washington on internet issues miss a significant part of the big picture. Congress makes bad technology decisions because it has dismantled its ability to evaluate policy issues. While public mobilization and lobbying efforts can affect decision-making through political pressure, lobbying to educate congress on technology issuesRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Supreme Court Decides GPS Tracking without a Warrant is Unconstitutional

Everyone knows that today we can be tracked by GPS anywhere under the Sun, and yet we welcome it into our everyday lives. We get lost in big cities and we can’t find the nearest subway/metro station. Grab your phone, enable GPS and data, and there you go! But what about cases where we don’tRead… Read more »