
Nuvo Quo

Change. It’s unsettling and exciting. It’s evolutionary and inevitable. It’s widely initiated and frequently resisted. Alvin Toffler, in his 1970 book Future Shock, says we can only take so much change before we hit overload and shut down mentally to additional change – like a sponge reaching its saturation point. The pace of change hasRead… Read more »

Collaboration, Open Solutions, & Innovation (COSI) Strategies for Government

Collaboration, Open Solutions, and Innovation (COSI) are key management strategies public and private sector organizations need to incorporate into their corporate culture in order to compete and succeed in the 21st century. The adoption and application of these new management strategies is already evident within many companies in almost every industry. Industries and businesses throughoutRead… Read more »

From the Apache Software Foundation Blog: The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache Hadoop™ v1.0

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is an all-volunteer group of developers, stewards and incubators of technology. They bring us many of the technologies powering our enterprises and consumer solutions and are continuing to innovate in ways that are absolutely amazing and enjoyable to try to track. One of the greatest projects at the ASF isRead… Read more »

I Can’t Make You Learn a Thing! Let the Machines Do It!

Really! What you learn is really up to you. But it is up to us to give you the best means to do that. There are methods and modalities. By methods, I mean approaches to training; by modalities, I mean training tools by which we deliver the training. Can we use multiple modalities for trainingRead… Read more »

The Deming Award – Recognizing Excellence in Training

Each year Graduate School USA presents the W. Edwards Deming Award to a federal government organization or a civilian or uniformed branch of the military in recognition of an impressive workforce development and training initiative that has measurably improved the organization’s performance. Considered the father of Total Quality Management (TQM), Dr. Deming created a bodyRead… Read more »

5 Lessons Learned from the Advanced Management Program at NDU

In the last post, we discussed some great educational opportunities for government employees you may not have heard of. In this post, we’ll talk about some lessons my classmates and I learned from the Advanced Management Program (AMP) class hosted by National Defense University (NDU). Top 5 Lessons Learned I’ve boiled down 14 tough butRead… Read more »

Hidden in Plain Sight – IT Educational Opportunities

Have you ever come across an opportunity that had been hidden in plain sight? You know, the opportunity that had been available to you all along, you just didn’t notice it? I found two such outstanding opportunities around this time last year. The first is called the Advanced Management Program (AMP) and it’s hosted byRead… Read more »