
Don’t Worry; Trust the Government – Why Citizen Engagement is Difficult

It’s a rather obvious observation that the modern world is complex and confusing. There is a lot that have major influences on our lives but we don’t know much about. Things like climate change, global poverty, Mideast peace, etc. When we feel ignorant about a subject that affects us personally, we do research to learnRead… Read more »

Top 5 Women in Federal Gov’t of 2011

5. Elizabeth Warren – Former Chairman of the Congressional Oversight Panel; Former US Special Advisor to the President on Consumer Financial Protection; 2012 US Senate Democratic Candidate in Massachusetts After establishing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Harvard Law Professor returned to Massachusetts to run for the United States Senate. Pundits were unsure how theRead… Read more »

6 Ways To Build Public Trust In Government

On a regular basis polling shows the American public has very little trust/faith in the ability of government. G. Edward DeSeve has a great post on Governing.com expressing his thoughts on six factors that are important for the public to regain trust in government. Excerpts from his post are below: Honesty: Ethical behavior is oftenRead… Read more »

PTI Webinar: Utilizing Appreciative Inquiry as a Tool for Collaboration and Innovation

From the Public Technology Institute website: Webinar Dates For Governments: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 2:00–3:00 PM ET For Non-Profits: Thursday, February 2, 2012, 2:00–3:00 PM ET Offered by PTI and Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration. Led by James Davy, Director of the Rutgers Center for Applied Appreciative Inquiry and a former public officialRead… Read more »