
The Deming Award – Recognizing Excellence in Training

Each year Graduate School USA presents the W. Edwards Deming Award to a federal government organization or a civilian or uniformed branch of the military in recognition of an impressive workforce development and training initiative that has measurably improved the organization’s performance. Considered the father of Total Quality Management (TQM), Dr. Deming created a bodyRead… Read more »

5 Lessons Learned from the Advanced Management Program at NDU

In the last post, we discussed some great educational opportunities for government employees you may not have heard of. In this post, we’ll talk about some lessons my classmates and I learned from the Advanced Management Program (AMP) class hosted by National Defense University (NDU). Top 5 Lessons Learned I’ve boiled down 14 tough butRead… Read more »

Hidden in Plain Sight – IT Educational Opportunities

Have you ever come across an opportunity that had been hidden in plain sight? You know, the opportunity that had been available to you all along, you just didn’t notice it? I found two such outstanding opportunities around this time last year. The first is called the Advanced Management Program (AMP) and it’s hosted byRead… Read more »

7 Habits Of Unsuccessful Elected Officials

In January elected officials are sworn into office to begin their terms as village board members on up to the highest public offices. New terms of office always start with such promise but many political leaders fail in their efforts. Eight years ago Sydney Finkelstein a professor of Management at the Tuck School of BusinessRead… Read more »

Leadership Demands Courage

With the start of the New Year I find myself in a reflective mood. Being an effective leader in government, with all the challenges of these tumultuous times, demands a deeper sense of courage and personal integrity. Leaders will be challenged to authentically stay true to our core beliefs and values. Certainly the dynamics ofRead… Read more »

Rainmaker 10 – Tune Your Work For The Internet

Definition – A Rainmaker creates a significant amount of new business. Anybody here ever seen or used this Internet thingie? How long have you had access to the internet? In the last 15 years, how have you adapted your work to take advantage of the internet? Why? Name a company that has really taken advantageRead… Read more »

What are your Favorite SES ECQs?

If you are going to consider an SES position within the next 5 years, you should begin to think about the ECQS and your experience. What’s your favorite or best ECQ? Consider the these basic tips for thinking about your leadership qualifications and preparing to write the five ECQs. ECQ #1 – Leading Change: ThisRead… Read more »