
Rainmaker #9 Convey Your Business Personality – Easy, Simple, and Free

Definition: A Rainmaker creates a significant amount of new business for a company. The Sales Lab Rainmaker Series is one rainmaker technique for technologists during the first 300 seconds (five minutes) of the monthly Capital Technology Management Hub Meeting. This is the handout for our December meeting. At the beginning of this Rainmaker presentation inRead… Read more »

Seven states split third round of Race to the Top funds

Deltek Sr. Analyst Kyle Ridley reports. Today, the Department of Education (DOE) awarded federal Race to the Top (RTTT) funds to the tune of $200 million split among seven states. This is the third round of awards for the $4 billion program aimed at revitalizing America’s K-12 education system through reform and innovation. The latestRead… Read more »

Government Contractor Finance – A Year In Review

For the past year I have been offering tips and insights into the process of commercial finance for government contractors. Even as the economy remained in a stall at the beginning of 2011, many agencies continued to rely on the deliberate capabilities of their contractors to keep the wheels of progress moving. To be sure,Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – December 23, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda My contribution for this week is limited to a single item (yes, with three links) so that I can wish everyone a happy, safe, and meaningful holiday season. The end of December is a natural time for reflection and planning, what I’ve recently heard as “mirror/window” exercises. We look back, we look forward,Read… Read more »

B2B vs. B2C SEO – Differences Between Strategic Approaches and Skills

What are the differences between SEO actions taken for Business-to-Consumer (B2C) campaigns, vs. Business-to-Business (B2B)? KME Internet Marketing has delivered many B2B campaigns over the past years, typically regarding very technically-complex or domain-specific subject matter – we’ve found the following information and strategies tend to ring true for most… For B2B SEO vs B2C, theRead… Read more »

Collaborative Democracy: Transition from Money-Driven to Knowledge-Based Society

Dimitar Tchurovsky is the author of the 2011 book “Collaborative Democracy: Transition from Money-Driven to Knowledge-Based Society.” Currently living in London, Bulgarian-born Tchurovskyhas offered to send his book in PDF format “free of charge to NCDD members in return of direct feedback, critique, or any questions may have but remained unanswered.” Tchurovsky has a DegreeRead… Read more »

Taking Kaleidoscopic AIM: Designing a Matrix for “Cognitive-Communication” Consciousness

[If you do not wish to receive my free mailings, email [email protected]] Hi, As we rapidly stream through the holiday season and New Year, I hope you can reconnect with loved ones, whether in person or electronically. I hope too you will take the time to pause and recall both fond memories and any feelingsRead… Read more »

Project Management Career — NGOs and Disaster-Emergency Relief

An awesome question came into my email inbox the other day. This article contains important information for those of you interested in working for an NGO or similar organization, and an important case study in networking. Hello Josh, I am a human and medical science graduate with several year experience in diverse roles including EventsRead… Read more »

A case study in the future: Ohio and Mississippi demonstrate promise of HIEs

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. Recently, I’ve become addicted to a TV program set in a camp of workers building the transcontinental railroad. The show highlights the stark realities of innovation and the novelty of a road linking the East and West Coasts. Hopping on a train in New York and arriving in San FranciscoRead… Read more »