The Benefits of Virtual Communication Platforms in the Workplace
Supervisors can ensure their teams remain as efficient as before and are properly supported at home through virtual communications platforms.
Supervisors can ensure their teams remain as efficient as before and are properly supported at home through virtual communications platforms.
For better or worse, our bosses aren’t going to be around forever. Here are some tips for what to do when your boss leaves.
Community engagement is an important part of how governments interact with their constituents. Learn about identifying your community engagement efforts.
As a government worker, you’ve got to take care of yourself so you’re able to care for the country. How can you practice self-care to reduce stress?
U.S. Digital Service (USDS) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) have partnered to test hiring pilots. So far, agencies have positive feedback.
Right now, how well we are able to be together apart, is part of becoming resilient in the face of an ongoing, serious challenge.
For state and local governments, recruiting and hiring are always a challenge. But that’s not to say it’s hopeless. To learn more, GovLoop spoke with the Director of Research at the Center for State and Local Government Excellence.
We can compare our view of life to a camera lens. What can we do to expand that lens and re-assess our view of what’s really going on?
The first 90 days are crucial for establishing credibility as a chief information security officer, or CISO, at an agency.
Boards support all aspects and levels of government. An effective onboarding process sets expectations and sets new board members up for success.