
Highlights of Annual Meeting of Nat’l Academy of Public Administration

The National Academy of Public Administration gathers once a year to discuss some of the biggest management challenges facing our country. The speakers are always terrific and insightful. And I always learn something I never knew. This year was no different. The panel and speakers that really intrigued me focused on a topic I normallyRead… Read more »

Explore City Art 3 Ways: On Foursquare, Twitter & Mobile Sites

Above, see the team Google+ Hangout photo shoot. The two hip dudes holding the heart? That’s Michael Ellsworth and Corey Gutch, the dynamic design team duo from the Seattle creative agency Dumb Eyes who also help to run Seattle’s monthly art walks. The refined, bearded gentleman? That’s Matt Blair, the culture-loving smartphone developer from PortlandRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: Getting Federal Employees and Managers on the Same Page

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), listed No. 1 in this year’s Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings, had been rated 25th out of 30 large agencies six years ago. After initiating a set of management reforms geared toward improving employee culture and morale, the FDIC has seen their scores skyrocket –Read… Read more »

MPA Research Survey on Public Sector CMS & Social Media

Please consider taking this survey on website content management systems and social media which I am conducting for independent study as part of my MPA culminating experience/thesis research as a second year graduate student at the University of Memphis in the Division of Public and Nonprofit Administration. My research focus is exploring the impact onRead… Read more »

Four Steps: The Evolution of Social Media in Government

Social media in government has experienced an evolution in the past three years, since the administration’s Open Government Directive forced it into the mainstream of every agency’s operations. Each step in this evolution can be summed up by one word and one driving question, and each has had countless articles devoted first to exploring theRead… Read more »

GovBytes: What do Snoop Dogg and the West Virginia Chief Information Security Officer Have in Common?

According to an article in GovTech, they are both rappers. After West Virginia’s Office of Security and Controls won NASCIO’s 2011 recognition award for the “Risk Management Initiatives” category, West Virginia’s chief information security officer, Jim Richards III, submitted a video to NASCIO about the agency’s IT projects to be shown at the association’s awardsRead… Read more »

What it Takes to Be a Leader

Today I attended the second day of the National Academy of Public Administration’s annual fall meeting. One of the sessions I attended, Answer the Questions: How to Lead in Difficult Environments. Leadership for Long Term Planning and/or Short-Term Fixes” had a remarkable conversation on what skills are needed for leadership in the public sector. TheRead… Read more »