

Has anyone else noticed a lack of curiosity among office members? I have a difficult time getting people to try new applications, or try new capabilities in existing programs. Implementing SharePoint is difficult because people just don’t want to try anything new. Just do my job the same way I have always done it, neverRead… Read more »

Public Sector Microtasking

Given our propensity for micromanagement I suspect many will look at the idea of micro-tasking with come skepticism, but I think the idea is worth exploring (as do others). A primer For the uninitiated, micro-tasking is simply the breaking-down of more complex tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. The most widely talked about micro-tasking serviceRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 18, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Location, location, location. A lot of people moving to GovLoop–more than 50K at last count! One of those people, Lovisa Williams, asked how GovLoopers (especially federal government employees) were using Google+. Ines Mergle, writing at Gov in the Lab, shared an infographic that helps answer that question. Beyond “Go Slow to Go Fast.”Read… Read more »

Six Agencies to Test New Performance Management Model

http://http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20111116/PERSONNEL03/111160302/ From the Federal Times: “The National Council on Federal Labor-Management Relations today approved a package of reforms it hopes will overhaul how the government manages employees’ performance. Six agencies — the Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, Energy and Labor departments, the Coast Guard and the Office of Personnel Management — will pilot testRead… Read more »

How Do We Get There: Is Your Organization’s Strategy Working for You?

In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, organizations are often forced to remain competitive by adapting a culture of rapid change (I’ll offer up ideas on how to successfully accomplish that in a future publication). However, updating and communicating the organizations’ strategy to reflect these changes frequently doesn’t occur. A solid strategy is the cement andRead… Read more »

A Pat on the Back Please! Are Your Employees Recognized for Their Performance?

Many companies talk a good game when it comes to employee engagement and recognition, though few have mastered it. Some organizations are close, some still trying, and many are nowhere near success. So you may be thinking, why should I care if my employees are recognized for their performance? Because if they aren’t recognized, thenRead… Read more »

Fooling Ourselves and Paying a High Price

While the saga around the Penn State sexual abuse scandal will, and should, continue as people come to terms with the horrifying series of events that transpired, I find myself looking for any good that can come from this disturbing series of (in)actions of those in positions of authority. What happened in Happy Valley isRead… Read more »

Change & Transition – No They Are Not The Same Thing.

Change is never easy. Change is a bumpy process. But why is change so hard? Change is hard because it is an emotional experience for most. An emotional experience, particularly an experience one often has little choice in being part of, creates resistance. Resistance is a natural emotion, though an emotion that can make changeRead… Read more »