
Daily Dose: Finding the FBI a New Home

The Washington Post reports that the J. Edgar Hoover building is in need of repair. Since 9/11, the FBI has grown considerably, and has outgrown the current facilities. The Post reported that prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the FBI had 9,700 headquarter staffers working at seven locations, today the FBI has about 17,300 employeesRead… Read more »

The Three Hats of Mission-Support Leaders

How do you assess the effectiveness and impact of mission support functions — human resources, acquisitions, finance, technology, etc. — on an agency’s mission? That was the question posed to a roundtable of experts at the National Academy of Public Administration yesterday. And the question was raised none too soon – President Obama that morningRead… Read more »

Project Management by Henry Ford

Imagine the situation as Henry Ford was planning production of the Model T : over 5,000 parts; multiple manufacturing vendors; skilled to semi-skilled production processes; and growing demand. He addressed part of the production process by determining an optimal assembly sequence and moving the vehicle along to workstations which have the required parts, tools, andRead… Read more »

Innovation for the rest of us

Authored by Jeremy Greene. With the passing of Steve Jobs last month, the blogosphere has been chock-full of commentary around innovation and good product design. As a product guy, I find this fascinating. But as I’ve read through pages of articles highlighting Jobs’ search for “insanely great” product design I started to wonder if anyRead… Read more »

GovExpert: Dick Wall, Former Peace Corps Country Director

GovExpert is a biweekly interview of high-level authorities on government and government practices. Dick Wall is a former Peace Corps Country Director for Chad, Zaire (Now the Republic of the Congo) and Mauritania (see full bio below). Some Thoughts on Training Below are some thoughts on what are common roadblocks to training in developing countries;Read… Read more »

Lessons from the EPA Apps for the Environment Forum: How Can We Build Innovation Through Partnerships?

This afternoon I attended the Apps for the Environment Forum, hosted by the EPA in Rosslyn. The forum honored the winners of the recent Apps for the Environment Challenge, hosted a variety of speakers from the EPA and executive office, and offered breakout sessions on how to use the Internet and open data space betterRead… Read more »

FCC and FEMA to Test Emergency Alert System Tomorrow

· The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) are planning the first Emergency Alert System (EAS) nationwide test, which will take place at 2:00 PM (EST), Wednesday, November 9, 2011. The test will last approximately three (3) minutes. Normal programming will return following the test. · FCC and FEMA areRead… Read more »

Is Your IT System a Dreamliner?

This article was previously published on the Tri Tuns blog. The 787 SHOWS US THAT NEW TECHNOLOGY BRINGS NEW RISKS REPORTED The Boeing 787 Dreamliner has been hailed as a revolutionary advance in technology that will provide the greatest advance in air travel since the Concorde. The Dreamliner uses new materials and technology and promisesRead… Read more »

Top Five Nominees For The Government Big Data Solutions Award

Governments (local, State, Federal, International) need more agility. This is especially true in the domain of Information Technology. Information technology is one of the fastest moving industries, but the government is slow at adopting and procuring new technology, including the technology that would make it more agile and adaptive. There are things we can doRead… Read more »

Target Ideation to Get Your Leadership Excited

Catching the spark of excitement from leadership is the fuel to make any activity go forward. From the largest transformation effort to ensuring that all employees are able to wear comfortable shoes, it all starts with the support of Leadership. For government and large company Ideation efforts, this is especially true. But is top leadershipRead… Read more »