
Federal Coach: Leading on the Dotted Line

Last month, I held an online training for GovLoop members around the three key secrets for rising up to the challenge of leadership. For today’s column, I wanted to share a question from a participant of this training. Do you have the same recommendations for dotted-line managers—for people who must pull together different teams, perhapsRead… Read more »

Interested in sharing your views about public service?

The Public Service Research Panel, PSRPanel.org, is an online research panel of public service professionals who volunteer to participate in occasional web-based surveys and studies about the important work they do and the organizations they help lead. If you are a government or nonprofit professional, or graduate student planning a career in public service, youRead… Read more »

Initial Enthusiasm and Job Satisfaction

Abstract:The inverse relationship between time on the job and level of satisfaction is driven by the context of organizational decision making. Although Happiness is an inside job to be sure, there are things that can be done to improve organizational bonding and effectiveness. The importance and methods are known. 1) Recognize that the workplace isRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: How to be Happy at Work

Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage and one of the world’s leading experts in human potential, has lectured on his research in 48 countries. After more than a decade at Harvard University, Achor founded Good Think Inc. to share this research with organizations worldwide. This interview was conducted by Tom Fox, author of theRead… Read more »

Zombies in Missouri

Instead of running our usual “be safe while hunting” news releases this year, we went with an Invasive Species: Zombies post. So instead of hitting our usual audience, who mostly reads the headline and forgets the article, we tied in with zombies and encouraged hunters to watch out for them this fall. Response has beenRead… Read more »

Cloudera and SGI Partner: With new benchmarks and better mission support the result

During the recent GEOINT conference I spoke with SGI and Cloudera about the meaning of their recent announcement. They just announced a strategic agreement where SGI will ship Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) and Cloudera Enterprise Management Suite factory installed on SGI Hadoop Clusters. Although this is good news for both companies there isRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: October 28, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It’s not real until it’s on YouTube. Writing in Huffington Post and Aol.Gov, respectively, Alex Howard and Deanna Glick cover Steven VanRoekel’s inaugural appearance on YouTube as the US CIO, filmed in California. Perhaps unsprising, given the speaker and the audience, VanRoekel said “America’s future now depends on our capacity to innovate, andRead… Read more »

What Next ??!! – The Art of the Government ECM Roadmap

Just back from our biggest ever users’ conference and the question on many government end users’ minds is “What next?” Not surprising in the current “New Normal” climate of risk reduction, cost-cutting and staff squeezes. Also, not surprising that when you invest in an enterprise technology, you continue to assess where and how to deployRead… Read more »