
Rediscovering Information Management Methodology

About a century ago –no I’m not that old—companies were using advance information management tools called paper, file folders and filing cabinets. Much of the daily course of business was concern with moving physical parts and products. The movement and storage of information was also a physical effort; paper and files were routed throughout theRead… Read more »

Last Call

I was reading some old notes about why to celebrate failure, a slippery subject, maybe a mental game. Then I realized that if I don’t announce my failures, it’s harder to move on. Can’t have a breakthrough, without declaring a breakdown. Otherwise I spend all my focus grieving, hanging on to a mental closetful ofRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: How Can Seasoned Feds Get Their Mojo Back?

Back in early September, I asked a forum question around the findings of a new study which found that younger feds are happier at work. My colleague Alicia Mazzara summarized it in her Federal Buzz article in the Washington Post today. Study: Federal job satisfaction higher if you’re young In her article and as previouslyRead… Read more »


Let’s say you are a manager who has worked in an organization for a number of years. You have worked hard to create new processes and systems that assure that your division is working at top efficiency. You have developed a policy manual, written rules, and if you happen to be in government, you haveRead… Read more »

The State of Open Data 2011

What is the state of the open data movement? Yesterday, during my opening keynote at the Open Government Data Camp (held this year in Warsaw, Poland) I sought to follow up on my talk from last year’s conference. Here’s my take of where we are today (I’ll post/link to a video of the talk asRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – October 21, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda First the bad news. QR Codes are now being infected. This is all very Snow Crash. Next, some good news. Fierce Government is reporting that government employee’s use of social media is growing. Key take-away: “Thirty-seven percent of federal workers said they are permitted to use social media as representatives of their agency.Read… Read more »

Thank You CfA! – Dan Melton

This post was written by Dan Melton, Code for America’s CTO. The original post on Code for America was automatically pulled into GovLoop and accidentally mislabeled as by Abhi Nemani. I’m stepping out of Code for America at the end of the year. It’s time for some new leadership to continue building the CfA networkRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: USAJOBS Extends Deadline for Federal Agencies

USAJOBS has extended deadlines for job seekers interested in non-emergency positions. The Washington Post reports that OPM staff is working around the clock to fix code bugs and related problems on the USAJOBS site. On Wednesday, a contractor was hired to test the site and was still witnessing a 86% failure rate. The Washington PostRead… Read more »