
Federal Coach: Mapping the NIH’s Leadership DNA

Dr. Francis S. Collins is the director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), overseeing an institution that is the largest supporter of biomedical research in the world. A physician-geneticist, Collins is noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes and his leadership of the international Human Genome Project, which culminated in April 2003 withRead… Read more »

7 Things Every Government Agency Can Do To Improve Customer Service

When President Obama issued an executive order in April this year compelling federal agencies to improve customer service, the future seemed a long way off. But as the first leaves begin to change color here in Washington, a deadline for action looms. By October 24, agencies are ordered to publish a plan for how theyRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Lessons of Leadership Part 1 – There’s Always Room for Improvement

This is part one of a three part series where some members of the recruitment office will discuss the rewards and challenges of being a leader. Today’s guest blogger is Jaqi Ross, manager of the media branch. My staff has heard the refrain so many times, they’ve been known to help finish it off onceRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is It Time To Update The Hatch Act?

The Washington Post is reporting that Carolyn Lerner, head of the Office of Special Counsel, wants to update the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act is the 72-year-old law that prohibits Federal employees from participating or advocating in most political activities. The Hatch Act prevents any person who receives Federal funds for their employment to runRead… Read more »

Pressure builds for WiFi on Caltrain

Although Caltrain (CA) runs service in the heart of Silicon Valley, arguably one of the most wired parts of the county, passengers do not have the advantage of WiFi connectivity during their commute. But pressure is building for Caltrain to keep up with its neighbors like the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, which offers freeRead… Read more »

Aargh Start

Ben called at 12:30 Monday. “Do you ever have trouble getting started on a Monday?” I said I knew organizations that had trouble getting started for whole months. One of my favorite solutions is the Meeting Poster. But what do you do if you’re not faking it in middle management and have to produce someRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Poor Performers — Dealing With Performance Issues in Federal Government

In the newest season of NBC’s The Office, Andy Bernard – self-admittedly the worst paper salesman at Dunder-Mifflin’s Scranton branch – has been promoted to office manager. As a fan of the show, his unorthodox management style is pretty hilarious. To motivate the crew and impress his superiors, Andy recently promised the employees that theyRead… Read more »

Information Management/Taxonomy reading list

Going back through my posts this evening. Found that I didn’t post the Information Management/Taxonomy reading list I had stated I would. Here it is in no particular order: Quality Information and Knowledge, Huang, et al Data Smog, Shenk Everything is Miscellaneous, Weinberger The Accidental Taxonomist, Hedden Information Architecture, Wodtke Organizing Knowledge, Lambe Finding theRead… Read more »