
Department of State’s Consular Systems and Technology: A Track Record of Innovation

The Office of Consular Systems and Technology (CST) leads the State Department‘s IT efforts. This is an amazing organization that has been delivering high quality, high throughput systems and solutions for years. This group really is our first line of defense against threat actors so we should all be thankful the team here performs atRead… Read more »

Netzwerk Bürgerbeteiligung: New German Online Community for Public Participation

Late last month, a new online community launched in Germany for people and organizations that “want to advance citizen participation in political decision making and shape the future of public participation” (translation mine). From the website (in German): Die Partizipation der Bürgerinnen und Bürger an gesellschaftlichen und politischen Entscheidungsprozessen ist ein elementarer Grundpfeiler der Demokratie:Read… Read more »

A Flurry of Innovation: An Update on Free Law

My new post, entitled A Flurry of Innovation: An Update on Free Law, has been published at Slaw.ca, Canada’s online legal magazine. The post — which highlights work by several members of our community — summarizes recent developments in free access to law, open legal government data, eParticipation, and legislative information systems, as well asRead… Read more »

Steve Jobs 1955-2011: The most famous maestro of the micro.

When TIME named the computer as the 1982 ”Machine of the Year”, it published a long profile of Steve Jobs as “the most famous maestro of the micro.” Ha! Great turn of the phrase, and that was long before he really moved out in pushing the envelope in micro electronics, consumer technology and human-focused design.Read… Read more »

How NASA Lives on Through Social Media

Just read this really interesting post from the Deloitte Perspectives Blog and thought I’d share. It’s so great to see NASA embrace social media like it has. How is NASA reaching out to the public? Read more below! The shuttle may be grounded, but NASA’s relevance lives on. On Thursday 21 July the space shuttleRead… Read more »

PMP Exam Tip: Interpersonal Skills a PMP Needs: 6. Decision making

In Appendix G, the PMBOK Guide discusses Interpersonal Skills for the project manager. We are currently reviewing these one by one in our weekly PMP exam tip. Let’s look at decision making.decision making techniques. There are many skills that a successful project manager may develop and among them is good decision making abilities. There areRead… Read more »

Information Management: Taxonomy creation methodology

Made more progress on Taxonomy creation methodology yesterday on several front. Enlisted several peer to collaborate or comment of the core aspects of developing a system to determine taxonomy approach; Richard Harbridge and Ruven Gotz. I was pleased that Richard had picked up my recommendation and read Patrick Lambe’s Organizing Knowledge. It gives use someRead… Read more »

The Road to Real ROI : Extending Your IT Investment Through Integration

From my colleague, Tom Tennant…interesting way to think about integration and ROI for IT investments… Okay, so you’re ready to build the bridge (you remember the bridge, right?) between your line-of-business (LOB) systems, whether that’s SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft, and so forth, and your data (structured and unstructured). How do you do it strategically? And howRead… Read more »

You Are A Twit

Or at least you should be If you haven’t yet discovered Twitter as an awesome way to find great project management resources, let me introduce you. You, this is Twitter. Twitter, meet you. You can easily search Twitter for whatever type of project management resources you are interested in. You will quickly notice people youRead… Read more »