
Take a number

We are not the customers of our own services. And even if we think we are, we are still not: we know too much, we cannot stop thinking as provider or designer. Sometimes we are the customers of other people’s services and that holds up a mirror – sometimes a very distorting mirror – toRead… Read more »

The Science of Community Management: DjangoCon Keynote

At OSCON this year, Jono Bacon, argued that we are entering a era of renaissance in open source community management – that increasingly we don’t just have to share stories but that repeatable, scientific approaches are increasingly available to us. In short, the art of community management is shifting to a science. With an enormousRead… Read more »

Smart Streamlining

Two new reports out this past week focus on tools and techniques for agencies to cope with the new fiscal austerity they face in years ahead. One is by the Partnership for Public Service, the other by the Government Accountability Office. They are both worth reading because they focus on smart ways to make cutsRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is the Amanda Knox Case Unique?

Amanda Knox, an American college student who was arrested in Italy while studying abroad for the murder of her roommate in 2009, was finally released yesterday. Even though the case gathered attention around the world because of Secretary Hilary Clinton’s personal involvement, the State Department claims that all Americans incarcerated abroad are priorities in theirRead… Read more »

A Look at the Education vs Experience Debate

I understand the education versus training and experience debate, and I agree with the writer who said, “The answer is one that will keep you chasing your tail as you pursue it.” So, why have this discussion. Most of us will not deny that the best employees have both education, training and experience, but whatRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Federal employees urge Congress to cut wisely

A collection of federal workers’ groups has sent letters to Congress, asking members to carefully considercertain aspects of Obama’s deficit reduction plan. The groups represent about 4.6 million Federal employees. “We appreciate the Administration’s call for ‘some sacrifice from all of us,’ ” the letter continues. “However, federal employees are being disproportionately targeted in theRead… Read more »

Dirty Dozen Decision Process

When faced with a decision, young organizations tend to pick the least worst of two options. A better way is to enforce creating a list of a dozen alternatives. That can be done in a couple of hours. The process creates a better definition of the problem and also of the choices. The last choicesRead… Read more »