
Health Care and Social Services September Review

Deltek Health Care and Social Services Analyst Amanda White reports. September proved to be rather eventful for health care. Deltek celebrated the Sixth Annual National Health IT Week, September 12-16, 2011, by releasing a series of blogs highlighting IT progress in the states, along with vendor recommendations based on those trends. National Health IT WeekRead… Read more »

Let’s meet at the PMI Global Congress in Dallas, TX #pminac

Are you attending the PMI Global Congress in Dallas, TX? If yes, then let’s meet! I will be on site starting Saturday 22nd mid-afternoon until Tuesday 25th evening and I would love to meet the listeners of The Project Management Podcast for coffee, lunch or dinner. If you are interested then please write to [email protected]Read more »

It that time of year again: PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL!!!

I was reading yesterday’s article in the WSJ – Better Ideas Through Failure – Companies Reward Employee Mistakes to Spur Innovation, Get Back Their Edge… Check it out: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204010604576594671572584158.html This is my first Blog Post to GovLoop ever!!! Just looking to provoke some discussion before drafting up my “Self Assessment of FY11 Performance Measures”

Daily Dose: Where Does Your Agency Rank in the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey?

Joe Davidson from the Washington Post reports that the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey has been released by OPM. The survey is conducted annually to learn how feds feel about their workplace. The post reports that over 266,000 federal employees completed the agreement. The Post reports: To take a deeper dive into one aspect of theRead… Read more »

Benchmarking The Performance Of Cities

Each year local governments struggle to address budget deficits by generating new revenue and spending cuts to close budget gaps. Elected officials typically think short term and rely on one shot measures rather than permanent changes to cost structures. Local governments need to operate smarter and cheaper. According to a recent study by IBM titledRead… Read more »

Compliance-Driven Agencies and Technology, Part II

Last week, I wrote about the characteristics of a compliance-driven agency. This week, I want to connect those characteristics to key elements of document management solutions to illustrate how a document management system can help the compliance-driven agency. Compliance is a concept that cuts across government agencies, levels and missions. And, you could argue, theRead… Read more »

GovExpert: David M. Nummy, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

GovExpert is a biweekly interview of high-level authorities on government and government practices. This week’s GovExpert is David Nummy, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Finance and Administration. (see full bio below) Questions: On everyone’s mind lately is the current economic crisis, which has created tighter belts across the board for all levelsRead… Read more »