
I.T. Governance / SharePoint Governance

Had great discuss with my friend Owen Allen, SharePointDirections.com last night that help me remember and crystalized some the concepts and principles I remember putting together when I developed the IT Governance in the mid-90s at Microsoft as part of establishing an internal Enterprise Architecture Practice. Some of the points I was making back thenRead… Read more »

Local Gov IBM Report: Smarter, Faster, Cheaper

This morning I read an interesting report from IBM, Smarter, Faster, Cheaper, An Operations Efficiency Benchmarking Study of 100 American Cities. IBM provides a bleak report of local governments in the introduction, the authors state: According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), local governments in the United States are collectively facing a $225 billion structuralRead… Read more »

Evolution For Everyone

David Sloan Wilson’s Evolution For Everyone is a wonderful, important book on many levels. The book contains the story of a beginning evolutionary biologist’s stories of interesting fieldwork, then becoming an “Evolutionist,” expanding the study of evolution beyond biology, which creates a strain when a new field of study threatens many practitioners of older fieldsRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: The End of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Era

Today is an important day for the military, as the Pentagon lifts the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy. For the first time in 18 years, troops can “publicly reveal that they’re gay without fear of official retribution”. Enlistees who tell military recruiters, and troops discharged under the ban who are eager to reenlist, willRead… Read more »

Co-creating Public Services?

Private companies such as Procter & Gamble, Apple and Amazon have achieved great success by tapping into the ideas and creativity of others to co-create products and services. The success of the iPhone, iTunes and iPad has been driven by the thousands of apps customers have created on the platform provided by Apple. The worldRead… Read more »

What to Learn from the Solyndra Collapse?

On August 31st, solar cell maker Solyndra unexpectedly closed its doors, laying off 1,100 employees and filing for bankruptcy. The Fremont, CA company had been considered one of the most promising solar companies in the U.S. The fact that Solyndra received $535 million in federally-backed loan guarantees has many questioning whether this collapse could haveRead… Read more »