
Opening Day at 2011 APWA Congress & Exposition

This year’s International Public Works Conference & Exposition is being held in Denver, Colorado. The event opened yesterday morning with a welcome by the outgoing president, George Crombie, and a transfer of leadership to the new president, Diane M. Linderman. First General Session – Michael Hayden The first general session followed with keynote speaker, MichaelRead… Read more »

30 Second Commercial for “DC Public Safety” Television

http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/video/2011/09/television-commercial-for-csosa-and-dc-public-safety/ The Mayor’s Office on Cable Television (MOCT) created a commercial for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency’s “DC Public Safety” television series in the summer of 2011 (see link above). It was distributed to 60 cable outlets. The DC Mayor’s Office of Cable TV (MOCT) films “DC Public Safety” for the Court ServicesRead… Read more »

From the Death of the PC to the Death of the Device

Enterprise security was once based entirely around the personal computer. A computer was the primary venue from which employees communicated, produced and exchanged data, and opened the company to risk. Now the widespread use of mobile computing devices for both work and pleasure has created security problems that we have previously explored. Thus, accepting theRead… Read more »

Diversity Gets A Bad Rep!!!

Diversity is getting a bad reputation. On Thursday, August 18, 2011 President Obama issued an executive order for diversity promotion. On August 22, 2011, the Washington Times newspaper issued the following articles “Obama Federal Workforce Diversity Initative Equals “Whites Need Not Apply” The article sited numbers based on race. So perpetuated is the misconception thatRead… Read more »

A Follow-Up on Fracking

Following up on yesterday’s report on hydraulic fracturing – often called fracking – we’re sharing a New York Times article about some new concerns over water safety and gas wells. Some environmental groups and public officials in New York State, including State Assemblyman Kevin A. Cahill, Chairman of the Committee on Energy, are concerned aboutRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Secret Service Ready for a Busy 2012

The Washington Post reports today that the Secret Service is gearing up for a busy 2012. The Director of the Secret Service, Mark Sullivan, stated that 2012 will be “a very demanding and challenging year.” The Secret Service will have to continue to provide security for President Obama, Vice President Biden and their families, theRead… Read more »

IBM’s Watson gets into healthcare, may pursue future in government

IBM’s jeopardy playing supercomputer Watson is moving out of the game show circuit and into healthcare, it may even have a future in politics. IBM has partnered with WellPoint the nation’s largest insurer to look at ways the technology that powers Watson can be used to make health care more manageable. CivSource spoke with Dr.Read… Read more »

Networked Neighbourhoods: effective localism or narrow insularity?

My friends at LGIU, The Hansard Society and Networked Neighbourhoods are running a free event next month in London that looks dead good: Wednesday 19 October, 18.30 – 20.00 Thatcher Room, Portculis house, Westminster LGiU, Networked Neighbourhoods and the Hansard Society are putting on a free event in Parliament on Weds 19th Oct. We willRead… Read more »