
Our Future Success Depends on Creating a New Model

This blog is co-authored with Mark Herbert a corporate management and executive coach with more than 30 years experience in helping businesses become leaders in their field. In my dream the angel shrugged and said, “this time if we fail it will be a failure of imagination,” and then she gently placed the world inRead… Read more »

Diary of a Frustrated Young Professional -To Blog or Not to Blog. That is the question.

Dear all knowing Internet, Yes, I know its been two weeks since my last post. But after surviving the flooding of Hurricane Irene then Lee, consoling a dying computer, moving to a new apartment, and dealing with a puppy, I have returned to my blog. Don’t worry, I’m still frustrated. Over the past two weeks,Read… Read more »

The Importance of Executive Sponsorship – Mini Case Study

Currently I am working with a client who is in the process of developing an RFP for a Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) solution. The draft RFP was completed in early June and reviewed by project team members, including the steering committee, very quickly. The draft was considered final by mid-June. During this review process, theRead… Read more »

Data, Design, Diabetes: Behind the Scenes of Rapid Innovation in a Virtual Incubator

Guest post by Charles Huang (@1CharlesH), mentor at DDD and Blueprint Health. It is an exciting time to be an entrepreneur these days. President Obama earlier this year launched a Startup America initiative to promote entrepreneurship in America, citing the need for the US to maintain its competitiveness in international business through tech innovation andRead… Read more »

The Obama Jobs Speech: Real Life Leadership Lessons.

Real life leadership lesson – be transparent, congruent and authentic to both yourself and to those you lead! To be clear – I am wearing my organization development practitioner hat here. This is a bi-partisan analysis of a real life event to highlight what I believe are imperative traits of successful leadership -transparency, congruence, andRead… Read more »

Get Ready for a Food Fight!

I have some pretty cool news to share. Aetna is teaming up with Recipe.com and Bobby Flay for one awesome cause. The Aetna Healthy Food Fight is an initiative to promote healthy eating through education and sharing of healthy tips and recipes. Aetna’s Food Fight is making healthy eating not only a reality, but reallyRead… Read more »

New Normal – Asynchronous Collaboration

When we were all physically located in the same building collaboration was a collection of meetings to reach the stated goal. First to flesh out the details of the project – go from concept to specific, consensus from contributors, logistics & interim deadlines from participants, and collective review of it all. Meet and work togetherRead… Read more »

Web-Enabled Coordination

How can organizations reach beyond their traditional smokestacks and silos? Coordination mechanisms have existed for years, notes Naval Postgraduate School author Nancy Roberts, but they haven’t been used. But the availability of new web-based tools and the pressures from cost cuts, the war on terror, and emergency management may have created a new environment forRead… Read more »