
A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 23

Day 23 This morning we had our regular engineering staff meeting. It was a pretty typical meeting with GIS sharing what they were doing and then our engineers and technical staff letting us know the status of all the projects. After our meeting, we started driving the roads to determine their condition. We also spentRead… Read more »

5 Reasons Your Project Management Career Isn’t Moving (And What To Do About It!)

You’ve applied to everything that moves. You’ve polished your resume. You’re going for all the right job titles. You’ve pursued an advanced degree. You’re asking everybody if they are hiring and can get you ‘in’. You’re trying everything you know. But it’s not working. It’s frustrating, I know it is. I’ve been there. So why?Read… Read more »

What Are the Secrets to Being an Amazing Manager?

Being a manager isn’t easy — especially when you’re confronted with tight resources and tough decisions. And being a manager is different from being a leader, right? Leaders cast an inspiring vision and empower people at an organizational level to achieve it. Managers are really the front-line supervisors responsible for ensuring the goals are executedRead… Read more »

Getting People to Solve Problems Without You

As organizations become more complicated, success can often be tied to the degree to which an organization is responsive to customers. This generally happens on the front line. So empowering front line managers to solve problems without going up through the chain of command is an important leadership strategy. The September 2011 issue of theRead… Read more »


One of our clients swears the best thing I ever told him was to make a meeting before a scheduled meeting and make one after. As long as you’re in the building/neighborhood/country plan another stop. That means you need a stop-by rationale, tools, and research. However the meetings that create a favorable result are easyRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Transforming Today’s Talent Into Tomorrow’s Leaders

With so many baby boomers eligible for retirement, succession planning has become more than just proactive preparation – it’s a business necessity. Over the next five years, nearly half of the leaders at the IRS will become eligible to retire. To address this issue, the IRS established an annual evaluation process called the Leadership SessionRead… Read more »

Amazon releases secure cloud for government

By: Dave Rosenberg Cloud service provider Amazon Web Services (AWS) today announced AWS GovCloud, a new AWS Region designed to allow U.S. government agencies and contractors to move more sensitive workloads into the cloud by addressing their specific regulatory and compliance requirements. Amazon’s move reflects the ongoing adoption of public cloud services by government entities,Read… Read more »