
Is Open Government Dead?

In recent weeks, the main stream media has questioned whether the Obama administration’s Open Government initiative has lost its steam. But is it really dead? For example, Washington Post columnist Vivek Wadhwa’s article “The Death of Open Government” followed the resignation announcement of the federal government’s chief information officer – and Open Government champion —Read… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Pitching Young Employees on Your Federal Agency

The average age of my agency’s employees is high. With retirements increasing, we will need to recruit and hire younger employees. What is the recruiting pitch that will appeal to younger employees? How do you entice them to join your agency? – Federal Manager (GS-15), Department of Veterans Affairs This is a great question. RecruitingRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 192: PM Leadership Tools: Be The Project Champion (Project Leadership Series)

This week’s episode of The Project Management Podcast: This interview from our PM Podcast Project Leadership Series is another one that I did with Susanne Madsen (www.susannemadsen.co.uk). The project leadership tool that we look at today is… Be The Project Champion. So you might be wondering what the difference is between a project leader andRead… Read more »

Professional doesn’t have to be boring

About 60% of my work these days is for the public sector, which is great, as it reflects my main experience and expertise, but which means 40% comes from elsewhere, which I find really helpful. I’m not quite sure where the lead to rebuild ESP Consulting’s new site came from, except that old student unionRead… Read more »

Professional doesn’t have to be boring

About 60% of my work these days is for the public sector, which is great, as it reflects my main experience and expertise, but which means 40% comes from elsewhere, which I find really helpful. I’m not quite sure where the lead to rebuild ESP Consulting’s new site came from, except that old student unionRead… Read more »

Advanced APPLIED Project Management Course

Guest Post by Dr. Paul Giammalvo Colleagues, Interested in developing and benchmarking your COMPETENCY and that of your team in ADVANCED PROJECT and PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, COST ENGINEERING and PROJECT CONTROLS? If the answer is yes, then NOW is the time to consider signing up for the next AACE Certification Prep Courses starting in Lagos, NigeriaRead… Read more »

Dems hold seats, but Republicans keep majority in Wisconsin

Yesterday, Wisconsin residents held the last two of several recall actions against state lawmakers. The historic recall elections come after a divisive fight over collective bargaining rights and the controversial performance of the Republican led state legislature. Wisconsin residents sought to recall several Republican lawmakers in an election held earlier this month and last night’sRead… Read more »


I’ve read with interest the articles/blog posts (listed at the bottom of this post) about the interesting move by Takeo City in Japan, who have made the bold decision to move their entire council website to facebook. On face value it would be easy to argue that this is a very bold move and oneRead… Read more »