
Weekly Round-up – August 19, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda August is a long and ecclesiastical month. In its second full week, we find: A Time for Reflection. Three good articles about the state of Gov 2.0 across governments came out this week. Alex Howard writes for the Atlantic about social media use by US and other governments, and in O’Reilly Media aboutRead… Read more »

Open source develops the future of downtown Raleigh

Originally published on opensource.com. Can you revitalize a city and attract businesses using open source principles? David Diaz, president and CEO of the Downtown Raleigh Alliance thinks so. In fact, I got a chance to sit down with David to discuss how economic development organizations are interacting with their local and state government, citizens, businesses,Read… Read more »

A Dozen Golden Nuggets from the Blog Lab Event

The Web Manager’s Roundtable and Dick Davies put on a powerful practical workshop for active organizational bloggers – covering a broad range of attendee inspired topics, such as process – better/easier blogging; managing – avoiding blogger burnout or lighting the flame; volume – achieving greater distribution & getting more readers; comments – being a commentRead… Read more »

Counties Lead the IT Way, Part II – The Four IT Priorities for Counties

Last time I relayed some of the discussions and trends from this year’s Center for Digital Government Digital Counties award ceremony. While it may have sounded like county governments don’t have the budget for moving along current IT projects or starting new ones, that wasn’t true at all. In fact, in areas that ran theRead… Read more »

ACUS Calls for ‘Reliable Comment Analysis Software’

In a recent series of recommendations, the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS), announced findings under the auspices of “Legal Considerations in e-Rulemaking,” from the Committee on Rulemaking. Having spent more than decade working on e-Rulemaking, I was curious to see what was at the top of their list. It was a relief toRead… Read more »

Is Your Agency SMART?

We all know that government agencies are constantly under pressure to make their conversations with constituents measurable, and results-based to justify the investment. One stand-out action the city of New York is doing to keep this at the forefront of importance is driving an advisory board of SMART members (the Social Media Advisory and ResearchRead… Read more »

Change Management Communications Plan Tactics

As a follow-up to my previous blog where we chatted about the components of a Change Management (CM) Communications plan, this blog focuses on the specific tactics to utilize when implementing the plan. To get a better sense of how to create the plan, please quickly review my previous blog “Creating the Change Management CommunicationsRead… Read more »

A Modestly Proposed Replacement for the Primary Process

Retirement has given me time to muse and think about things and processes in a more dispassionate manner. The hugest farce we all have to endure is the political primary season leading up to the general election for President. The posturing, the posing, the empty and sometimes frightening political rhetoric, and above all the wasteRead… Read more »

Service Where You Serve: Connecting with Citizens Where They Connect with You

The Customer Service series is supported by RightNow Technologies. To learn more on how to use cloud technology to improve customer service, visit the RightNow resource center today. Check out the GovLoop/RightNow Customer Service Hub to get smart on how to be awesome at customer service ————————— Advances in technology, and the ready adoption ofRead… Read more »