
Avoid Isolation As A New Leader Tip #1

Avoid Isolation As A New Leader Authored by: Georgie Bishop, President Public Sector Consortium, www.public-sector.org Former Director Workforce Development, US EPA Observe/Inquire/Listen When you first arrive in a new organization stay as open and accessible as you possibly can particularly during the orientation phase (six months minimum). Your primary work as you learn the organization’sRead… Read more »

Scaling up public sector innovation

A few months ago I was interviewed by some very nice civil servants from BIS and CLG about how central government could help support and scale innovation in local public services. I can’t remember much of what I said, but I’m guessing that ‘get out of the way’ probably featured several times. Oh, and ‘don’tRead… Read more »

Why Small Regional Training Conferences Are Most Effective

I recently published a blog on 5 Ways to Make Your Training Conferences Rock! But we all know that large training conferences aren’t always the most effective training platform. In fact, if we have to have a training conference at all, the smaller conference or meeting (sounds less formal) is the best face-to-face way toRead… Read more »

Failure Is An Option: The Way To High-Performance Innovation

The three keys to innovation are to seek out new ideas, test these ideas on a scale where failure is survivable, and constantly monitor these trials for feedback. This is according to Tim Hartford’s new book, Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure. Hartford argues that the world is too complex for top-down “big project”Read… Read more »

Debt Ceiling Strategy: Use ECM to Trim Your Agency

Agencies that implement an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system are typically losers-but in a good way! The whole reason to implement an ECM system is to lose the waste while gaining efficiency. Below are five things you can kiss goodbye when your ECM system comes online: Wasting Time: How much time does your current processRead… Read more »

Business Advice From The Amish

From Rohit Bhargava on Amex Open: Several weeks ago on a trip back to the US from South Africa, I deliberately picked up a magazine about a topic I knew very little about. It is one of the common tricks I use to learn about different industries-and in this case, the magazine I ended upRead… Read more »

Off to see “The Woz”

Among the many awesome sessions and keynotes at next week’s 2011 FOSE Conference and Exposition conference, this one looks really cool. Have you ever wanted to learn more about how to be a rockstar innovator in any environment? Ever wanted to enter the mind of Apple co-founder Steve “The Woz” Wozniak? Here’s your chance! “TheRead… Read more »