
The Woz Effect: Innovation For Tomorrow, Today! (Are You In?)

I think everyone probably has at least heard bits and pieces of what Steve Wozniak’s Key Note at FOSE yesterday, however I think it’s very important we wipe away our awe for a moment and look long and hard at just what he said. To most technorati, or at very least technology proficient, folks inRead… Read more »

The President’s SAVE Award Website is a Treasure Trove of Ideas and a Thermometer!

I’m surprised that more government employees aren’t discussing the President’s SAVE Awards website more. There are about 5,000 ideas posted so far, of which there are about 50 good, solid ideas. Most of the other entries are simply rants/vents from a frustrated workforce, or duplicatations of other similar ideas (e.g. telework, combine agencies, go paperless,Read… Read more »

The Technology of VoltDB

VoltDB is a company fielding a technology designed by DBMS pioneer Mike Stonebreaker. It is designed to address challenges of performance limitations in existing systems, and also provides significant potential cost savings, giving it the virtuous position of having more functionality at a lower cost. In conversations with Stonebreaker I learned a bit more aboutRead… Read more »

Using Triumfant for Secure Configuration and Change Management

It’s late Monday morning when your computer security department notices that a suspicious message has been emailed to most of the email addresses at your company. It contains a malicious PDF that exploits a new vulnerability that came out over the weekend. The patch hasn’t been applied to the company workstations yet, and it’s tooRead… Read more »

Measuring Performance in Networks

Two of the stumbling blocks to expanding the use of collaborative networks in government are: how do you figure out what works? And, how do you create accountability? The IBM Center has sponsored a series of reports in different policy arenas over the past decade that look at the creation and use of collaborative networksRead… Read more »

Social Security for the Twenty First Century

Please visit my blog at http://ephraimfeig.wordpress.com What do you do when things are deteriorating, service delivery costs are increasing, workers are getting more pressured and frustrated, an avalanche of retirements is looming, workloads are increasing, budgets are getting squeezed, and the more you try to fix things the worse they get? What if you alsoRead… Read more »

The Groupon model for transit

This Big City tries to apply the lessons of consumer-demand services like Groupon and Living Social to transportation planning. These programs are based on the economic concept of market equilibrium, or the intersection of supply and demand. Translating this concept from consumer goods to transit services, the post asks the following: Why not take theRead… Read more »