
Management in the 21st Century

The workplace has definitely changed in the last twenty-five years. You have probably noticed the changes in technology and the increase of Generation-X managers in your organization. But what you may not have noticed is the shift in employee expectations of management. They are no longer satisfied with the “command and control” mentality that dominatedRead… Read more »

Guest Post: Further Greening of Government Procurement

On May 31, 2011, the government issued an interim rule that implements two key executive orders directing environmental attributes of federal procurement actions. Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management,” was issued by President Bush on January 24, 2007 and set a number of different environmental goals for federal agencies related toRead… Read more »

Former DC CTO, Md. Chief Innovation Officer @BryanSivak on #LocalGovChat Tonight at 9 EST

Photo via American Progress Join us tonight at 9 EDT for a #localgovchat with Maryland’s newly appointed Chief Innovation Officer Bryan Sivak. You can read more about Bryan, formerly the Chief Technology Officer for the District of Columbia, here, here, here and here, but I think the most telling quote about his approach to openRead… Read more »

Call for Apps!!!

The Public Technology Institute is issuing a ‘call for apps’ for a new book called “The Book of Apps – Government Innovation” This is a great opportunity for you to submit your apps for consideration! Simply go to: www.thebookofapps.com for more information. Or simply go to PTIs website www.pti.org Get recognized!! Alan (PTI)

Failure As A Strategy For Success

I’m reading a new book called Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure. It’s a fantastic book, and if you’re a CEO or CTO of a startup, or an innovator, or anyone who tries new things, you should read it. In the book, author Tim Harford makes the case that trial-and-error, done intelligently, constantly outperformsRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Community.SBA.gov

I learned a few week ago that the Small Business Administration (SBA) had launched a new community for small business owners, so I asked them a few questions about it. Below are their responses. 1 – Tell me about the new SBA Community project. What is the concept behind it? What does it entail? TheRead… Read more »

Are You a Project Manager or a Leader?

What is the difference between a project manager and a leader? Should there be a difference? Consider this: Not all leaders are project managers, but all project managers should be leaders. “Click here for the best self-development resources“ You can tell from the above statement that I believe a good project manager is also aRead… Read more »