
What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Civility in service | Public Strategist – “Civil servants should understand the constraints they accept as part of the job. They – and everybody else – should understand the limitations on public speech (not quite the same thing) which are part of the deal.” UsingRead… Read more »

A Results-Oriented Commerce Department?

I’ve long admired Gary Locke for his commitment to results-oriented government. He pioneered new approaches in Washington State both as the chief executive of King County and as governor. But I’d never met him until last week at a Partnership for Public Service event where he summed up his tenure as Commerce Secretary, before departingRead… Read more »

HTML 5 – Google at AOL

Last week, AOL hosted the National Capital Area Google Technical User Group. In AOL’s lobby, they had HiDef video presentations, the kind AOL has been perfecting since the 1990s. They are getting sharper with new technology and better production values, but the use of post-TV video has been an AOL feature for as long asRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Valuable Veterans

This week’s guest blogger is Ernie Beltz Jr. He is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, and has managed the veteran recruitment program for the Department of the Treasury and IRS for a year and a half. Below, he offers some suggestions to consider – or consider sharing – when your organization is looking to fillRead… Read more »

PM Podcast Episode 184: How to Develop Your Leadership Skills (Project Leadership Series)

This week’s episode of the Project Management Podcast: In today’s episode we continue our PM Podcast project leadership series. I have invited Andy Kaufmann, PMP from The Institute for Leadership Excellence & Development (www.i-leadonline.com and www.peopleandprojectspodcast.com) to discuss how each and everyone of you could go about to develop your project management leadership skills. InRead… Read more »

Kind of Digital webchats

We’re going to start running occasional live webchats on the subject of online innovation on the Kind of Digital website. They’ll be simple affairs using the CoverItLive system and a bit of Twitter, and all the action will take place on our webchat page. Obviously, it’s all free. The first webchat will be next Tuesday,Read… Read more »

If I had the top hat of my organization, my plan of action would be…

For many years, before my public servant days, i was a civilian looking into the government’s operations and hating every darn minute of it! I enjoyed finding flaws in every process level that, when I think about it now, it seems so evil of me. Today, I am a public servant. And I have enjoyedRead… Read more »

A solution to “not enough time”

Rachael Happe, groundbreaking co-founder of The Community Roundtable, has just written an incredibly important post entitled, Communities – The New Strategic Imperative. I urge you to read and consider it. Some managers and executives I know have expressed what I’ll characterize as desperation at the speed at which things are running, and the fact thatRead… Read more »

New Face of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans: MyPlate

Guest post from Silje Lier, MPH of Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS). More info on Silje after the post – The Department of Agriculture was the source of many tweets and mobile videos last Thursday as we waited in anticipation for First Lady Michelle Obama, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and Surgeon General ReginaRead… Read more »